蜜的滋味 A Taste of Honey

蜜的滋味 A Taste of Honey

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 1961-09
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蜜的滋味 A Taste of Honey-电影剧情介绍

  《蜜的滋味 A Taste of Honey》于1961-09上映。是由托尼·理查德森执导, 由希拉·德莱尼, 托尼·理查德森担任主编, 演员Veronica Howard, Moira Kaye, 格雷厄姆·罗伯茨等主演的《蜜的滋味 A Taste of Honey》是一部剧情类型电影。


  In a run-down, post-industrial area of Salford, 17-year-old Josephine, who goes by 'Jo' (Rita Tushingham), struggles through an outdoor game of netball in gym class at her all-girls school. When she gets home, she hears her self-centred mother, Helen (Dora Bryan), arguing with their landlady, who is upset about overdue rent and Helen's frequent gentlemen visitors. Once the landlady leaves, Jo and Helen sneak out the window and move across town on a bus, which is apparently not a unique occurrence for the pair.
  When Jo and Helen arrive at their shabby new flat, Jimmy (Paul Danquah), a young black sailor, sees Jo struggling with her suitcases and comes to her aid. Later that evening, Helen brings her new boyfriend, Peter Smith (Robert Stephens), home after a night in the pub, but their romance is curtailed when Jo's presence alerts Peter to the fact that Helen is a mother. Helen and Jo go to sleep in the bed they share.
  After being kept after class for mocking her teacher, Jo trips and scrapes her knee as she is walking home. She limps past the Manchester Ship Canal, where Jimmy happens to be disembarking the ship on which he works as a cook; he invites her aboard to attend to her knee. They begin a brief courtship, and Jimmy gives Jo an engagement ring that she wears on a ribbon around her neck.
  Jo joins Helen and Peter on a weekend trip to Blackpool with friends. Peter and Jo argue, and Peter gives Helen an ultimatum, saying she must choose between him and her daughter; Helen sends Jo home alone. Jimmy is waiting when Jo arrives in Salford, and they spend the night together. In the morning, Jo watches him board his ship and depart. Helen returns just long enough to pack before leaving to get married and go on a honeymoon, after which she intends to live in a suburban bungalow with Peter.
  Left to fend for herself, Jo leaves school, gets a job in a shoe shop, and moves into an old workshop. She meets Geoffrey Ingham (Murray Melvin), a gay textile design student, and, invites him to live with her after learning he has been thrown out of his lodgings due to his sexuality. With Geoff's help, Jo makes the workshop feel more like a home.   Jo discovers she is pregnant by Jimmy. Geoff offers to marry her; she declines, though she does let him take care of her and help with the pregnancy. After Jo has an outburst during which she says she does not want to be either a mother or a woman, Geoff thinks she might need her mother and tracks down Helen. Helen comes to visit Jo, and they almost immediately have a row. An inebriated Peter, who Helen had told to wait outside, enters and takes back some money Helen offered Jo; he also claims he will not allow Jo to move into his house, though Jo had already rejected this idea. Before she leaves, Helen offers to come stay with Jo, but Jo again refuses the help. Once alone, Peter gives Helen the same ultimatum as in Blackpool, and she again chooses him over Jo.
  On Guy Fawkes Night, with Jo's due date fast approaching, Helen reappears. Her marriage to Peter has fallen apart, and she is intent on moving in with Jo and pushing out Geoff, with whom she has a shouting match. They all realize there is not enough room in the apartment for both Geoff and Helen, so, although Jo says she would prefer that Geoff stay, he packs his things and quietly leaves while Jo is lying down, as he feels she will need someone with her who has gone through childbirth.
  When Jo wakes up, Helen tells her that Geoff has just popped out. Nervously, Jo tells Helen that the baby will be black, and Helen leaves to buy some alcohol. Jo notices Geoff's belongings are gone and finds his goodbye note. She goes outside, but only sees some children with fireworks around a bonfire. From the shadows, Geoff watches Helen return from the off-licence, and then sneaks away unseen. One of the children gives Jo a sparkler.

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