肠胃探秘 Guts: The Strange and Mysterious World of the Human Stomach

肠胃探秘 Guts: The Strange and Mysterious World of the Human Stomach

类型: 纪录片电影
上映日期: 2012-07-12(英国)
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肠胃探秘 Guts: The Strange and Mysterious World of the Hu...-电影剧情介绍

  《肠胃探秘 Guts: The Strange and Mysterious World of the Human Stomach》于2012-07-12(英国)上映。演员迈克尔·莫斯利主演的《肠胃探秘 Guts: The Strange and Mysterious World of the Human Stomach》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  What's really going on inside your stomach? In this documentary, Michael Mosley offers up his own guts to find out. Spending the day as an exhibit at the Science Museum in London, he swallows a tiny camera and uses the latest in imaging technology to get a unique view of his innards digesting his food. He discovers pools of concentrated acid and metres of writhing tubing which ...

肠胃探秘 Guts: The Strange and Mysterious World of the Hu...-电影演员表

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