帮助通缉 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Help Wanted

帮助通缉 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Help Wanted

上映日期: 1956-04-01
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帮助通缉 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Help Wanted-电影剧情介绍

  《帮助通缉 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Help Wanted》于1956-04-01上映。是由James Neilson执导, 由Robert C. Dennis, Mary Orr, Reginald Denham等担任主编, 演员John Qualen, Lorne Greene, Madge Kennedy主演的《帮助通缉 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Help Wanted》是一部剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪类型电影。

  Mrs. Crabtree's health is poor, and Mr. Crabtree is out of work, having been let go from his job because his personnel manager thought he had become too old for the work. He receives a call from an employer to whom he had written, and the employer sends his secretary to discuss the job with Crabtree. He begins working in a private office, reviewing financial information and wri...

帮助通缉 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Help Wanted-电影演员表

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帮助通缉 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Help Wanted-评论

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  • 大潦

    大潦 2023-10-30 21:09:49


  • 以好不以新

    以好不以新 2023-09-23 07:57:11

    《希区柯克剧场》S01E27《Help Wanted》三星。这一集很恶趣味,留白很多,比方说被杀人到底是谁,替死者来拿捐款的人是谁。

  • 四时风雅

    四时风雅 2023-09-17 16:02:50


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