血性罗曼史 Bloodstained Romance

血性罗曼史 Bloodstained Romance

上映日期: 2009-02-01
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血性罗曼史 Bloodstained Romance-电影剧情介绍

  《血性罗曼史 Bloodstained Romance》于2009-02-01上映。是由Travis B. Miller执导, 由Travis B. Miller担任主编, 演员Chris Burchette, Cameron Wright, Adam Anderson主演的《血性罗曼史 Bloodstained Romance》是一部爱情, 恐怖类型电影。

  How far would you go for love? Holden will soon find out the answer to that question as he reaches to the depths of insanity for that one true love. "Bloodstained Romance" is a chilling love story told through the eyes of a killer, and has been deemed "undeniably realistic and extremely creepy".

血性罗曼史 Bloodstained Romance-电影演员表

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