红发会 The Red-Headed League

红发会 The Red-Headed League

上映日期: 1965
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红发会 The Red-Headed League-电影剧情介绍

  《红发会 The Red-Headed League》于1965上映。演员Douglas Wilmer, Nigel Stock, Geoffrey Wincott等主演的《红发会 The Red-Headed League》电影。

  Red-headed shop-keeper Jabez Wilson comes to Holmes with a puzzle. Goaded on by his young assistant Spaulding, he answered an advert for men with his hair colouring to join the Red-Headed League. It merely consisted of his sitting alone in a room, copying out words for several weeks. One day he found a notice on the door to state that the league had disbanded. What could it mea...

红发会 The Red-Headed League-评论

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    只要人知耐岁寒 2021-11-13 12:07:28


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