河之檀木 Sanders of the River

河之檀木 Sanders of the River

上映日期: 1935-04-04(伦敦)
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河之檀木 Sanders of the River-电影剧情介绍

  《河之檀木 Sanders of the River》于1935-04-04(伦敦)上映。是由佐尔坦·科达 Zoltan Korda执导, 由埃德加·华莱士, 拉约什·比罗, Jeffrey Dell等担任主编, 演员保罗·罗贝森, 莱斯利·班克斯, Nina Mae McKinney等主演的《河之檀木 Sanders of the River》是一部剧情, 音乐, 冒险类型电影。

  British District Officer in Nigeria in the 1930's rules his area strictly but justly, and struggles with gun-runners and slavers with the aid of a loyal native chief.

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