精神病 Безумие

精神病 Безумие

上映日期: 1969-02(爱沙尼亚)
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精神病 Безумие-电影剧情介绍

  《精神病 Безумие》于1969-02(爱沙尼亚)上映。是由卡尔久·科京执导, 由维克托·洛伦茨担任主编, 演员尤里·贾维特, Vaclovas Bledis, Valeri Nosik等主演的《精神病 Безумие》是一部剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚类型电影。

  The action takes place in a nameless country occupied by the German army at the time of World War II. In a small village there's an asylum. A squad of German soldiers arrives to take the insane people to a "walk in the forest". Just before they are ready to go to forest to kill the insane people, a Gestapo officer arrives and from his conversation with the doctor we can find ou...

精神病 Безумие-评论

全部(4) >
  • 杨浦小囡

    杨浦小囡 2021-01-22 23:28:46


  • L'llariit

    L'llariit 2020-01-13 01:52:04

    Madness其实是Kaljo Kiisk“再犯”,直到最后1分钟前还以为只是越描越黑,携此片去莫斯科展映最后纳粹独白恐怖如半夜照镜民间传说

  • Mannialanck

    Mannialanck 2019-02-22 22:05:36


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