人生的最后功课 Being Mortal

人生的最后功课 Being Mortal

人生的最后功课 Being Mortal-导演: Tom Jennings, Nisha Pahuja
人生的最后功课 Being Mortal-编剧: Atul Gawande, Tom Jennings
人生的最后功课 Being Mortal-主演: Atul Gawande
人生的最后功课 Being Mortal-电影类型: 纪录片电影
人生的最后功课 Being Mortal-上映日期: 2015-02-10
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人生的最后功课 Being Mortal-电影剧情介绍

  《人生的最后功课 Being Mortal》于2015-02-10上映。是由Tom Jennings, Nisha Pahuja执导, 由Atul Gawande, Tom Jennings担任主编, 演员Atul Gawande主演的《人生的最后功课 Being Mortal》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  PBS临终关怀纪录片《人生的最后功课 Being Mortal 2015》以医生的角度深入探讨生命将面临死亡,对于治疗药物与临终照护的百感交集
  49岁的阿图·葛文德(Atul Gawande)医师是白宫有史以来最年轻的健康政策顾问,也是影响奥巴马总统医改政策的关键人物。印裔美籍的葛文德固定为《纽约客》杂志撰写医学专栏,被《新闻周刊》评为「20位最具影响力的南亚人物」之一,更是《时代周刊》全球100位最具影响力人物榜单中唯一的医生。经历了癌末父亲临终阶段的深刻体验之后,葛文德医师开始关注人生的终极功课–临终照护。

  Death is something we will all one day face. So why is it so hard for doctors to talk with their patients about dying? How can the medical profession better help people navigate the final chapters of their lives with confidence, direction, and purpose? Renowned surgeon and New Yorker writer Atul Gawande explored those questions in his bestselling book, Being Mortal. Now, Gawande teams with FRONTLINE to bring his personal journey--and the stories of his patients and their families--to life and challenges us all to reexamine how we think about death and dying. This film also explores the burgeoning art and science of palliative care and the ways in which having a conversation around the question 'What are your priorities if your time is limited?' can empower patients to live their lives fully. Being Mortal shines an unprecedented spotlight on how patients, families, and doctors all experience the end stages of life, for the ultimate goal is not a good death but a good life--all the way to the very end.

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