阿索尔 Azor-搜索结果

  • 阿索尔 Azor


    导演:安德利亚斯·丰塔纳   编剧:安德利亚斯·丰塔纳, 马里亚诺·利纳斯

    主演:法布里齐奥·隆吉奥内, 埃莉·梅黛洛斯, 斯蒂芬妮·科蕾欧, Alexandre Trocki, Gilles Privat, Yvain Juillard, Juan Pablo Geretto, Carmen Iriondo, Juan Trench, Pablo Torre Nilson

      一个复杂的谜团在 1980 年根廷的压力锅中解开,揭示了特权金钱世界究竟是多么黑暗和肮脏。

  • 鸿雁传影:伯特·塞拉与利桑德罗·往来影笺 Sinergias: Diálogo entre Albert Serra y Lisandro Alonso


    导演:伯特·塞拉, 利桑德罗·   编剧:

    主演:伯特·塞拉, 利桑德罗·

      This filmic exchange is based on two works that reflect on the way each director films, on the crew and the actors, on the way they see and make cinema. Albert Serra took the characters of Honor de Cavalleria and his regular team of collaborators to follow in the steps of Quixote. Lisandro Alonso returned to La Pampa province to film his work, for which he recalls Misael Saaved...