
  • 这决不是小事情


    导演:严寄洲   编剧:王少岩, 严寄洲

    主演:张浩然, 李鸿昌, 韩梅, 言朋, 魏庆怀

      军区保卫部的赵科长,给某工厂的青年团员们做防特保密的报告,讲述了六个: 一、七十五号密件:王参谋一个重视保密的人,一次下班前,为赶着去看电影,匆忙之中忘了将七十五号密件交给保管员保管,随手塞进衣袋

  • 一部爱 Not A Love Story


    导演:Bonnie Sherr Klein   编剧:

    主演:Linda Lee Tracey, 邦妮·谢尔·克莱恩, Suze Randall

      In the early 1980s, director Bonnie Sherr Klein and professional stripper Lindalee Tracey set off to examine the pornography industry and its effects on society.
      Klein and Tracey were driven by the desire to know more about pornography – why it exists, the forms it takes and how it affects relations between men and women. Not a Love Story offered insights and perspectives from ...