玛利亚的阿雪 マリアのお雪-搜索结果

  • 玛利亚的阿雪 マリアのお雪


    导演:沟口健二   编剧:高島達之助

    主演:山田五十铃, 夏川大二郎, 梅村蓉子

      “Oyuki, the [Virgin] is based on Kawaguchi Matsutaro’s adaptation of Maupassant’s “Boule de Suif” [“Lump of Fat,” also the inspiration for Ford’s Stagecoach]. To this story Mizoguchi added some of his own elements. Maupassant’s original work, set during the Franco-Prussian War, is the story of a group of people who try to flee the battleground in a horsedrawn carriage. The bour...