往南走 Au Sud-搜索结果

  • 往南走 Au Sud


    导演:利奥内尔·巴耶   编剧:利奥内尔·巴耶, Julien Bouissoux, 洛朗·拉里维埃

    主演:伊莎贝尔·卡雷, 西奥多·佩尔兰, 尤拉西纳·拉尔迪

      Nathalie Adler is on a mission for the EU in Sicily. She organizes the next visit of Macron and Merkel to a migrant camp. Their presence has a high symbolic value to show that everything is under control. But who still wants to believe in this European family on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Probably not Albert, Nathalie's son, an NGO activist who arrives without warning. H...