女爱国者 Die Patriotin-搜索结果

  • 女爱国者 Die Patriotin


    导演:Alexander Kluge   编剧:亚历山大·克鲁格

    主演:Hannelore Hoger, Dieter Mainka, Alfred Edel, Alexander von Eschwege, Beate Holle, Marius Müller-Westernhagen

      The story of Gabi Teichert (played by Hannelore Hoger) who had already begun to dig around in search of the roots of German history in Germany in Autumn. In daily school life, at the party convention of the Social Democrats (SPD), on the Day of Penance and during Advent: She remains stalwart on her quest for a republic, for which the trouble is worth it.