
  • 基金


    导演:李成才   编剧:



  • SCP基金会:玩偶屋 SCP: Dollhouse


    导演:Stephen Hancock   编剧:Evan Muir, Amna Secerovic, Alyssa Torralva

    主演:Bryce Buckley, Frank Fallon, Jerry Freeman, Bradley Gareth, Daniel Hodge, River Kanoff, Austin McKayle Rearden, Malina Susim, Kendel Vendettie

      A group of MTF Operatives perform a sweep of a house in suburban Middle America after reports of anomalous activity inside. The group are unprepared with lacking and misguided intel and find themselves incapable of dealing with the threat inside the home


    类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影

    导演:haiena   编剧:haiena

    主演:大谷修久, 水田真央

    大東京都側側膊已像《動物農莊》分成高低端兩 類人,摩托車意外後鹿男失業失意流連酒吧,在「黃色走馬燈」遇上播道黑豹 男,推薦由過氣拳手路堅斯秘密調製有料到烈酒一飲入魂,見盡世界繽紛幻 象。

  • 多 キトキト!

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:吉田康弘   编剧:吉田康弘

    主演:石田卓也, 平山绫, 尾上寛之, 大竹忍, 伊藤步, 光石研


  • 日记 The Diaries of Vaslav Nijinsky


    导演:Paul Cox   编剧:保罗·考克斯

    主演:德里克·雅各比, Delia Silvan, 克里斯·海伍德

      2001年保罗·考克斯执导的一部影片《尼日记》是由德里克·雅各比、Delia Silvan、Chris Haywood主演的纪录片。

  • 杀死克劳斯· Killing Klaus Kinski


    导演:斯皮罗斯·斯塔索罗柏洛斯   编剧:斯皮罗斯·斯塔索罗柏洛斯

    主演:Juan Camilo Amaris, Placido Mendoza, Ramiro Mendoza

      The hostility of the Amazon and its natural forces reach extremes during the shooting of a film. The overpowering jungle and harsh weather lead the film crew to plot the assassination of the main actor. As in cinema that scrutinizes itself, we revisit in a vertiginous sequence shot a myth of the history of film when in the toughest part of filming FITZCARRALDO, Werner Herzog ph...

  • 柴科夫斯《奥涅》 Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin

    类型:音乐片电影, 戏曲片电影

    导演:Brian Large   编剧:Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Shilovsky, Alexander Pushkin

    主演:Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Renée Fleming, Ramón Vargas, Elena Zaremba, Sergei Alexashkin

      "Eugene Onegine"
      (Opera in Three Acts)

  • PD

    类型:爱情片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Olivier Lallart   编剧:Olivier Lallart

    主演:Fabien Ara, Antonin Bytebier, Brigitta Skarpalezos


  • 婚礼 Waikiki Wedding

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:Frank Tuttle (I)   编剧:唐 哈特曼 (Don Hartman (I)), Francis Martin, 弗兰克 巴特勒 (Frank Butler)

    主演:平·克劳斯贝, 玛莎·雷伊, Shirley Ross

      Tony Marvin is a laid back but incredibly successful promoter and fair-haired boy for J. P. Todhunter's pineapple company located in beautiful Hawaii. He gets the company to sponsor a contest in which the winner gets a Hawaiian vacation and is obligated to write articles on the islands which, when published, will constitute a publicity coup for the company. Unfortunately, Georg...