体热边缘 Malice-搜索结果

  • 体热边缘 Malice

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:哈罗德·贝克尔   编剧:艾伦·索金, 斯科特·弗兰克

    主演:亚历克·鲍德温, 妮可·基德曼, 比尔·普尔曼, 毕比·诺维尔什, 安妮·班克罗夫特, 格温妮斯·帕特洛


  • 2 Body of Influence 2


    导演:布赖恩 J. 史密斯 (Brian J. Smith)   编剧:布赖恩 J. 史密斯 (Brian J. Smith)

    主演:朱迪·费舍, 丹尼尔·安德森

  • 黑暗舞踏:危机上的肉 Butoh: Body on the Edge of Crisis


    导演:Michael Blackwood   编剧:Bonnie Sue Stein

    主演:天児牛大, 芦川羊子, 麿赤児, 中嶋夏, 大野一雄, 大塚勇, 田中泯

      Although Butoh is often viewed as Japan's equivalent of modern dance, in actuality it has little to do with the rational principles of modernism. Butoh is a theater of improvisation which places the personal experiences of the dancer on center-stage. The dancer is used as a medium to his or her inner life, but not for the portrayal of day to day existence. A Dionysian dance of ...