
  • 类型:

    导演:叶韶宇 赵子航   编剧:叶韶宇



  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:哈斯朝鲁   编剧:



  • 爱恨

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 短片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:浦贤   编剧:浦贤

    主演:蔡怡薇, 刘忠勇

    小庙一天偶然间看到叔叔年轻时候参加艺术节的带子,她去医院放给叔叔看,“当那一天,你轻轻对我说,休息一 休息一,我唱只歌给你听听,我忽然低头去,许多年过去了,你看 我的眼眶里充满了泪水……”余叔叔看着青涩的自己

  • エアコン


    导演:Kenji Onishi   编剧:Kenji Onishi


      The Air-Conditioning System (1997) introduces us to a young man in his flat, and the ways of communication with his girlfriend. The sky is blue and skirts are put on the balcony for drying. The wind will carry everything away, just like the noise and music or the porn we watch with him later on TV (he prefers to look at western blonde women). What will happen when the young wom...

  • 变 Modulations

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Iara Lee   编剧:

    主演:Afrika Bambaataa, Carl Cox, Derrick May/Genesis P-Orridge/DJ SPOOKY

      This is the first true explanation of why i love electronic music, 16 August 1999
      Author: (knocj001@students.unisa.edu.au) from Adelaide, Australia
      I saw Modulations as part of a film festival here in Adelaide; i wish now that i had gone and seen it twice. I finally found out WHY i like dance/electronic music while watching it. The first feeling i had as i walked out of...

  • Naysayer

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:David M. Helman   编剧:Nathaniel David Shriver

    主演:史蒂文·元, 阿兰娜·莫特森

      年轻的父亲 Ian 行驶在公路上,伴随着他与妻子的通话,剧情逐渐饱满起来…本片由来自「行尸走肉」和「燃烧」的史蒂文·元主演,短短 8 分钟的独角戏中包含了一个长达 5 分钟的长镜头,尽显演技。
      本片入围 2019 年迈阿密国际电影节、东京短片电影节等。

  • 情 Flirt


    导演:Gabriel M. Bauer   编剧:Steve C. Park

    主演:Daniel CorneLissen, Celine Prins, Wim Serlie


  • 酒师


    导演:靳德茂   编剧:北辰

    主演:刘挺, 陆莹


  • 教 Prilagođeni

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Dejan Petrović   编剧:


      What does freedom mean? And in some cases, could it be better to be locked up, with a roof over your head and food to eat, even if you have to work for it? Dejan Petrović poses these questions indirectly in his distinctively framed impressions of an overcrowded dog shelter in Serbia, where the dogs are kept behind wire mesh in dismal pens.
      The observational footage is consisten...

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    导演:曹斐   编剧:
