
  • 维生素爱水香 ビタミンLOVE みずか


    导演:吉行由实   编剧:池上花英, 江尻大

    主演:明日花绮罗, 粟岛瑞丸, 北川帯寛, 延山未来, 上加あむ

      《维生素爱水香》是2011年日本导演善行由美执导的爱情影片,由AV女优明日花キララ 主演。该影片主要讲述了店员天野信吾(粟岛瑞丸 饰)一直追寻理想中的美女,一日神秘的美女(明日花キララ 饰)突然出现,而开始他们的奇妙同居生活的故事。

  • 维生素狂热 Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins


    导演:Sonya Pemberton   编剧:Sonya Pemberton

    主演:Derek Muller

      维生素,又称维他命,适量摄取可保持身体健康,而过量则会中毒。维生素已成为价值千亿美元的产业,Derek Muller博士讲述维生素的科学和历史,以及怎样合理摄取。
      Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets. Vitamins are enthusiastically endorsed by celebrities, and vitamin-fortified foods line our supermarket shelves.
      But how safe are these products? Is it true that vitamins are “natural” and therefore can’t do you an...

  • Celuloza


    导演:耶尔齐·卡瓦莱罗   编剧:耶尔齐·卡瓦莱罗维奇, 雅努什.科扎克


      The Polish-language social drama Celuloza (AKA Cellulose, 1954) witnesses the travails of a young man from a low economic strata (Jozef Nowak) whose life turns a corner when he secures a job for a cellulose manufacturer in the big city. He subsequently undergoes radical politicization via repeated contact with his fellow workers and observation of their daily burdens. What make...

  • 维生素片:神奇还是神话? Vitamin Pills: Miracle or Myth?


    导演:Steve Crabtree   编剧:Tristan Quinn

    主演:Dr Giles Yeo

      The vitamin industry is worth more than £400million a year in the UK alone, but what are these pills actually doing for people's health? Dr Giles Yeo aims to find out, exploring if vitamin and mineral supplements are what they appear to be and putting people's diets to the test to find out if they really need these supplements. Those he meets include a scientist in Copenhagen, ...

  • 地平线系列:维生素真相 Horizon: The Truth About Vitamins


    导演:   编剧:



  • 京高中 vikes

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Tenney Fairchild   编剧:Tenney Fairchild

    主演:艾丹·亚历山大, 西德尼·斯尼, 诺亚·芒克, Bridget Albaugh, 杰西卡·艾莉, 霍普·班克斯, Nicolas Cantu, 尼古拉斯·唐斯

      High school kid, Thorvald, influenced by a girl he likes, Ida, campaigns to change his school's mascot, the Viking, to something less offensive to the Scandinavian community. It's a love story.

  • 纳斯的诞 Venus Descending


    导演:Andrew Blake   编剧:Andrew Blake


  • 和冲锋:绝境求

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:榘庭   编剧:张启敏, 左晓慧

    主演:魏冠男, 尼加提, 李宸, 刘长纯


  • 果,人的激情 Vigo


    导演:朱利安·邓波   编剧:Anne Devlin, 朱利安·邓波, Peter Ettedgui

    主演:詹姆斯·弗莱恩, 罗曼娜·波琳热


  • 尔比医 Marcus Welby, M.D.


    导演:Marc Daniels, Leo Penn, 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格   编剧:David Victor

    主演:Robert Young, James Brolin, Elena Verdugo

      The show is about doctors Marcus Welby, a general practitioner and Steven Kiley, Welby's young assistant. The two try to treat people as individuals in an age of specialized medicine and uncaring doctors.

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