
  • 维他命 비타민

    类型:喜剧片电影, 真人秀片电影, 脱口秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:金勇万, 李辉才, 殷志源, 朴恩英


  • 维他命X ADDICTION VitaminX Addiction


    导演:川口敬一郎   编剧:

    主演:阪口大助, 铃木达央, 小野大辅, 鸟海浩辅, 吉野裕行, 菅沼久义, 岸尾大辅, 杉田智和, 井上和彦, 三宅健太, 织田优成, 宫田幸季

      《VitaminX》原本是日本游戏厂商D3 PUBLISHER制作的一款女性向恋爱游戏,分别推出过PS2、NDS、PSP版,因其有趣的剧情和强大的声优阵容而受到了广大乙女玩家的喜爱,发售时也造成了很大的话题。这部游戏早在去年9月就放出消息说要动画化,不过之后就一直没了下文。正在少女们叫苦不迭的时候,其动画官网终于开启,动画将以DVD的形式发售,名为《VitaminX Addiction》。

  • 维他命的真相 The Truth About Vitamins


    导演:Bryce Sage   编剧:Bryce Sage

    主演:Bryce Sage

      We all think we know about vitamins – and we’re told they’re essential – but why do really need them and why can’t we produce them on our own? These are a few questions on the mind of intrepid filmmaker and health-freak Bryce Sage who travels from Washington DC to San Francisco to get to the bottom of the vitamin mystery.

  • 你是我生命中的维他命 You Are Vitamins in My Routine

    类型:爱情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:


      When she becomes the cream in the coffee and she becomes the vitamins in the routine.The sequel of You are the cream in my coffee meets P’Pun and N’Ava again in “You are vitamins in my routine” their love story in a good atmosphere among waves of the sea.

  • 安非

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:云翔   编剧:云翔

    主演:彭罡原, 白梓轩, 梁敏仪, 苏梅, 谭漍烨, 方保罗

      金融业才俊丹尼(白梓轩 饰)在香港偶然遇见了游泳教练观奇(彭冠期 饰),们一个事业成功,是国际公司的中坚,坚信自己的取向;另一个为生病的母亲时时担忧,为了赚钱只得多份兼职奔忙,从裸体模特到送货样样做得

  • 性爱K Tart

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Christina Wayne   编剧:Christina Wayne

    主演:多米尼克·斯万, 布拉德·兰弗洛, 碧悠·菲利浦斯

      After her only friend is expelled from their private school in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Cat Storm wants to get close to a boy moxia.cc she is attracted to and recreate herself with new friends. But her new friends are unreliable, her boyfriend is troubled, her parents are cold and indifferent, and she increasingly finds herself unloved.

  • 托和其 Vito e gli altri


    导演:Antonio Capuano   编剧:Antonio Capuano

    主演:nando triola, giovanni bruno


  • 摇篮堡区 Выборгская сторона


    导演:格里高利·柯静采夫, 列昂尼德·塔拉乌别尔格   编剧:格里高利·柯静采夫, 列昂尼德·塔拉乌别尔格

    主演:鲍里斯·奇尔阔夫, Valentina Kibardina, 米哈伊尔·扎罗夫, Natalya Uzhviy, 尤里·托卢别耶夫, Aleksandr Chistyakov

      New Horizons was originally released as Vyborskaya Storona, which translates as The Vyborg Side. Codirected and cowritten by Gregory Kozintsev, the film is the final chapter in the director's "Maxim Trilogy". Like the earlier entries, New Horizons recreates the "awakening" of Soviet Russia under the banner of Marxism, as seen through the eyes of Everyman hero Maxim (Boris Chirk...

  • ,申总脑子坏掉了


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:王格格, 申浩男

      六六:“七七,如果一早知道是这个结局,我们还会相爱吗?” 七七:“不会了”

  • 姆·文德斯:亡之徒 Wim Wenders, Desperado


    导演:姆·文德斯, 坎皮诺   编剧:Eric Friedler, 坎皮诺, Silke Schütze

    主演:姆·文德斯, 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉, 帕蒂·史密斯, 威廉·达福, 沃纳·赫尔佐格, 安迪·麦克道威尔, Donata Wenders, 埃丽卡·普卢哈尔, 汉斯·齐施勒


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