
  • 独身一人 Jess Plus None


    导演:Mandy Fabian   编剧:Mandy Fabian

    主演:马特·沃尔什, 艾比·米勒, 玛丽埃尔·斯科特

      Jess who goes to her best friend's wedding in the middle of nowhere, where she will be confronted by her ex, her happily coupled friends from college, and the insecure monster she becomes when she is off the grid.

  • 类型:爱情片电影

    导演:   编剧:



  • 类型:

    导演:秦志钰   编剧:张弦, 林远, 秦志钰

    主演:潘虹, 江珊, 陈希光, 黄小雷, 柳健

      欧阳若云(潘虹 饰)是海伦时装公司的副总,离婚后带儿子自生活,对周围爱慕她的男持极为审慎的态度。

  • 독신녀


    导演:文如松   编剧:宋吉汉

    主演:김영란, 申星, 尹峰, Jeong-hyeon Yu

      Wol-ra decides that she wants to have a baby, but she does not necessarily want to get married. She sets out to find a man of intellect and talent so she can bear a child with these qualities.

  • Alone

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:菲尔·克雷东   编剧:Paul Hart, 埃德加·爱伦·坡

    主演:Gwenfair Vaughan, 里克·瓦克曼, Rachel Woodeson, 米瑞安·玛格莱斯, 约翰·斯拉普内尔, 劳蕾尔·霍勒曼, Isabel Brook, 卡罗琳·卡弗, 克莱尔·古斯, 苏珊·维德勒, 克劳迪娅·哈里森, 菲尔·克雷东, Kate Crowther, Stephanie Shaw

      Two police inspectors investigate the murder of a young woman found dead at the bottom of a staircase in her home. Meanwhile, a psychiatric patient develops a fixation with a woman who lives alone, taking secret photographs of her, sending her bizarre love notes, and eventually breaking into her house...

  • 生子 息子


    导演:小津安二郎   编剧:小津安二郎, 池田忠雄, 荒田正男

    主演:饭田蝶子, 叶山正雄, 日守新, 笠智众, 坪内美子, 吉川满子, 爆弾小僧, 青木富夫

      信州农村的单母亲(饭田蝶子 饰)在纺织厂辛劳工作,以供养生子良助(叶山正雄 饰)上学。即将毕业的良助经老师开导,决定继续学业,然家境贫苦令其迟迟无法张口。

  • 情在亦舒之 情在亦舒之獨


    导演:郑伟文   编剧:亦舒

    主演:邱月清, 朱江, 宝佩如, 李罔


  • En solitaire


    导演:克里斯多夫·奥芬施泰因   编剧:弗雷德里克·帕蒂让

    主演:弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞, 维尔日妮·埃菲拉, 吉约姆·卡内


  • 我们 Noi Soli

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Francesco Alessandro Cogliati   编剧:Francesco Alessandro Cogliati

    主演:Luigi Fedele, Fabrizia Sacchi, Milutin Dapcevic

      Giulio, a teenage boy lives with his father. He is in love with his mother, Agnese because her hands were the first to welcome him. He reminds the last weekend they spent together. She takes care but doesn't love, she's lost in her thoughts and doesn't let anyone get closer, not even him. Two days to understand each other, two days to love each other, and to leave in the end. A...

  • 打算直单吗? ずっとでいるつもり?


    导演:福田桃子   编剧:坪田文

    主演:田中美奈实, 市川实和子, 德永绘里, 松村沙友理


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