
  • 基辅壁画 Киевские фрески


    导演:谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺夫   编剧:谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺夫

    主演:Tengiz Archvadze, Vladimir Artman, Alexandr Kotchekov

      Edited screen tests of Parajanov's unfinished film. On the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of Kiev from the Nazis, a film director pays a stevedore to deliver a bunch of flowers to a general. By accident the director gives the wrong address and the stevedore delivers the flowers to a war widow who is currently working at an art museum.

  • 基辅审判 The Kiev Trial


    导演:谢尔盖·洛兹尼察   编剧:


      While searching the archives for his found footage film Babi Yar. Context (2021), Ukrainian director Sergei Loznitsa stumbled upon unique but forgotten film material of a criminal trial in Kiev in January 1946. In this prelude to the Nuremberg trials, 15 Nazis and Nazi sympathizers stood trial for crimes against humanity.
      As in his previous films, Loznitsa presents the material...

  • 基辅的喜剧 За двумя зайцами


    导演:维克托.伊万诺夫   编剧:维克托.伊万诺夫, S. Staritsky

    主演:奥列格·鲍里索夫, Margarita Krinitsyna, 尼古拉·雅科夫琴科, A. Kushnirenko, Nonna Koperzhinskaya, Natalya Naum, Anatoli Yurchenko, 康斯坦丁·叶尔绍夫, Taisiya Litvinenko

      In an Ukrainian town of Kiev, at the beginning of the 20th Century a young loser named Svirid Golokhvasty owned a barbershop, which was in a lamentable state, because most of his time the owner spent drinking, gambling, and chasing girls with his equally no good friends. After losing a really big sum of money and becoming a bankrupt, Golokhvasty decided to solve his financial p...

  • 基辅男儿泽连斯基 Selenskyj - Ein Präsident im Krieg

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Claudia Nagel   编剧:


  • 绝望与反抗:守卫基辅之战 Despair and Defiance: The Battle for Ukraine


    导演:   编剧:Tony Jones

    主演:Sarah Ferguson


  • 助轮 Training Wheels

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:埃里克·法维拉, Régis Schuller   编剧:Brett Hoffman

    主演:皮埃尔·柯芬, 米兰达·卡斯格拉夫, 达纳·盖尔, 艾尔西·费舍尔, Dave Rosenbaum, Regis Schuller

      阳光明媚的日子里,一辆冰淇淋车来到格鲁所在的小镇。正骑自行车玩耍的玛戈(米兰达·卡斯格拉夫 Miranda Cosgrove 配音)、伊迪丝(达娜·盖伊 Dana Gaier 配音)和阿格蕾丝(埃尔希·费舍 Elsie Fisher 配音)听到冰淇淋车的音乐,大喜过望,各自蹬着脚踏车跑了过去。可是最小的阿格蕾丝还不会骑车,她狠狠地摔在地上,姐姐们则欢笑着远去。小黄人们见此情景义愤填膺,他们帮阿格蕾丝打造了一辆超级拉风的单车,并对她进行严苛的训练。装备一新的阿格蕾丝再度上路,等待她的却是意想不到的冰淇淋大冒险……

  • 课外导 비밀과외


    导演:Mr. L   编剧:

    主演:조동혁, 연희, 윤상두

      It's not...something you should say...
      You always bring women home...
      Jeong-soo is far from getting his grades up after he breaks up with his girlfriend so his father gets him a tutor (Yoo-jin).
      Let's go to your room to study.
      Jeong-soo thinks Yoo-jin is just one of his father's many women and she approaches him with kindness.
      Ordinary love...like everyone else....
      Jeong-soo wa...

  • 万历首张居正

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:苏舟   编剧:熊召政

    主演:李超, 那刚, 白建才, 王志, 俞洛生, 蒋昌义, 于军, 奕祖迅, 杨和平, 唐国强, 梅婷, 冯远征, 巫刚, 智一桐, 那笛, 杨雪, 王小丹, 梅年佳, 王琦, 任学海, 王伟军, 梁丹妮


  • 我的男友是


    导演:刘智   编剧:

    主演:陈子幸, 金璐莹


  • 多 キトキト!

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:吉田康弘   编剧:吉田康弘

    主演:石田卓也, 平山绫, 尾上寛之, 大竹忍, 伊藤步, 光石研
