
  • 我们相信为吗? Panorama: Can We Trust Huawei?


    导演:Simon Hancock   编剧:

    主演:Spencer Kelly

      They're one of the biggest and most powerful technology companies in the world, but can we trust the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei? They have the equipment to run the next generation telecoms network - which will power everything from the superfast phones to smart homes and driverless cars - but as we come more reliant on this type of technology, concerns have grown about Huawe...

  • 乐师 楽師


    导演:田中千世子   编剧:

    主演:関根祥六, 関根祥人

      Documentary about the Sekine family of noh performers. Looks at the Kanze School of noh performance and how this family practices the noh traditions in their daily life as well as on the stage.

  • 爱 不

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:梁碧芝   编剧:梁碧芝

    主演:李思汝, 鄭肇熙, 葉麗嘉, 小胡@野仔


  • 类型:剧情片电影

    导演:张宝   编剧:

    主演:张定涵, 关新伟


  • 类型:

    导演:王方允   编剧:李彦

    主演:王子璇, 任宥纶, 郭艳, 于潼, 熊玉婷, 徐紫茹, 张凌赫


  • 无不


    导演:罗伯特·勒帕吉   编剧:André Morency, 罗伯特·勒帕吉

    主演:安妮-玛丽·卡迪厄, 亚历克西斯·马丁, Marie Gignac

      This Canadian comedy, filmed in black and white and color and adapted from Lepage's play The Seven Branches of the River Ota. In October 1970, Montreal actress Sophie (Anne-Marie Cadieux) appears in a Feydeau farce at the Osaka World's Fair. Back in Montreal, her boyfriend Michel (Alexis Martin) watches the October Crisis on TV and sees Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau declare t...

  • 类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:冯小刚   编剧:严歌苓

    主演:赵立新, 黄轩, 苗苗, 钟楚曦, 杨采钰, 李晓峰, 王天辰, 王可如, 隋源, 张仁博, 苏岩, 张国立


  • 类型:

    导演:魏汝明   编剧:王拓明, 刘强

    主演:张运济, 朱薇薇, 王洪生


  • 类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:   编剧:顾漫


  • 嘉年 嘉年 carnival

    类型:剧情片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:王丽雅 Lia Wang   编剧:王丽雅 Lia Wang, 张嘉昊

    主演:Stacy Chu
