
  • 告诉她你看见我哭了 Diz a ela que me viu chorar


    导演:迈拉·布勒   编剧:


      Diz a Ela que me viu chorar is a film about love and humanity in a tragical context. Downtown São Paulo, Brazil. Apartment Building: 7 floors, 28 rooms, 107 residents. What they have in common is the abusive use of crack and, in most cases, their skin color. The film shows life in the building, a social residence that is part of a damage reduction program about to be extinguish...

  • Una viuda descocada


    导演:Armando Bo   编剧:Armando Bo

    主演:伊莎贝尔·莎露妮, José Marrone, Jorge Barreiro

      Armando Bo和老搭挡Isabel Sarli拍的,一般般,不过看70年代阿国情色cult片也就指望伊萨贝的了。

  • 成为冲积层 Becoming Alluvium


    导演:潘涛阮   编剧:


      In this emotionally charged contemplation on the glory and the tragedy of the Mekong River, different levels of real and imaginary worlds are brought together. Khmer folk tales, local lore and stories about reincarnation are told through vibrant watercolour animations and observations of daily life. Imbued with a sense of ecological responsibility toward the agricultural realit...

  • 星期四的寡妇 Las viudas de los jueves

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:马西路·品尼路   编剧:Marcelo Figueras, Claudia Piñeiro

    主演:Gabriela Toscano, Juana Viale, Rafael Aieta, 欧内斯特·艾戴里欧, 胡安·迭戈·博托, Gloria Carrá, 安娜·塞伦塔诺, Camilo Cuello Vitale, 巴勃罗·埃查里, Paco Escribano, 安德瑞纳瓦罗, 莱昂纳多·斯巴拉格利亚, Vera Spinetta


  • 上尉的遗孀 La viuda del capitán Estrada


    导演:José Luis Cuerda   编剧:何塞·路易斯·奎尔达


  • 鳏夫的探戈和其扭曲的镜像 El tango del viudo y su espejo deformante


    导演:劳尔·鲁伊斯, 瓦莱丽亚·萨米恩托   编剧:劳尔·鲁伊斯, Omar Saavedra Santis, 瓦莱丽亚·萨米恩托

    主演:Gabriel Urzúa, Marcela Golzio, Arturo Rosell, Rubén Sotoconil, Claudia Paz, Luis Alarcón, Shenda Román, Luis Vilches, 德尔菲娜·古兹曼, Alonso Venegas, 塞尔吉奥·埃尔南德斯, Chamila Rodríguez, 内斯托尔·坎蒂利亚纳, Gabriela Arancibia


  • 列比乌斯 Levius

    类型:动作片电影, 动画片电影

    导演:濑下宽之, 井手恵介   编剧:濑古浩司, 猪原健太

    主演:岛崎信长, 诹访部顺一, 樱井孝宏, 佐仓绫音, 大塚芳忠, 小野大辅, 早见沙织, 宫野真守

      《列比乌斯》将于 11 月 28 日首播,Netflix 独家。

  • 孙神探与黑寡妇的诅咒 Inspector Sun y la maldición de la viuda negra


    导演:胡里奥·索托·古尔皮德   编剧:Rocco Pucillo

    主演:Juan Rueda, 伊恩·巴切洛, 钱信伊, Jesús Barreda, Andrea Villaverde, Catherina Martínez, Txema Moscoso, Fernando Cabrera, Pedro Tena, Ana Jiménez, 维森特·希尔, Isabel Donate, Julian Rodriguez, Fernando Serna

      Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a murder on his flight draws him into a plot that threatens both the human and bug worlds.

  • 星期四的寡妇 Las viudas de los jueves

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Mayra Hermosillo, Irene Azuela, Sofía Sisniega

      Teresa finds her husband and his two best friends dead in the lavish community where they live. As the truth comes to light, so will dark secrets.

  • 利维乌的梦 Visul lui Liviu


    导演:柯内流·波蓝波宇   编剧:


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