
  • Beware of Trains

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Emma Calder   编剧:


      A woman with extreme anxiety is devoured by four major preoccupations - the man she met by chance on a train, her dying father, her daughter's safety, and the murder she dreams she has committed.

  • 落难见真情 Planes, Trains & Automobiles

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:约翰·休斯   编剧:约翰·休斯

    主演:Kim Genelle, Grant Forsberg, 特洛伊·伊万斯, Angella Kaye, 黛布拉莱恩, Larry Ludwig, Daniel Niswander, Peter Austin Noto, Ken Tipton, 莱曼·沃德, 拉里·哈金, Chino 'Fats' Williams, 理查德·赫德, 威廉·温德姆, 马修·劳伦斯, 伊迪·麦克勒格, George Petrie, 加里·莱利, 查尔斯·泰纳, 苏珊·艾萨克斯, 尼克·怀曼, Diana Castle, 史蒂夫·马丁, 约翰·坎迪, 莱拉·罗宾斯, 迈克尔·麦基恩, 凯文·贝肯, 迪伦·贝克, 卡萝尔·布鲁斯, 奥利维娅·伯内特, 戴安娜·道格拉斯, 马丁·费雷罗, 比尔·厄尔文, 本·斯坦

      为了和家人一同庆祝感恩节,广告商人尼尔(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)坐上了飞往芝加哥的飞机,在机场,一个名叫德尔(约翰·坎迪 John Candy 饰)的粗俗男子让他无法忍受,不幸的是,他们在飞机上竟毗邻而坐。本以为忍过两个半小时的旅程就可逃出生天,没想到暴风雪的袭来让飞机更改了航线。

  • 落难见真情 Planes, Trains & Automobiles


    导演:Aeysha Carr   编剧:Aeysha Carr

    主演:威尔·史密斯, 凯文·哈特

      新版将对老版做当代的改编,仍是讲述一对萍水相逢的旅人虽然性格上水火不容,却要一起面对旅途上的许多囧事,想要与所爱的家人们团聚的故事。Aeysha Carr(《神烦警探》)编剧,史密斯和哈特也担任制作人,片子在派拉蒙开发中。

  • 伟大工程巡礼:磁悬浮列车 MegaStructures: Future Trains


    导演:   编剧:



  • 目睹列车驶过的男人 The Man Who Watched Trains Go By

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:哈罗德·弗伦奇   编剧:乔治·西默农, 哈罗德·弗伦奇, 保罗·贾里科

    主演:克劳德·雷恩斯, 玛尔塔·托雷, 马留斯·戈尔林, 赫伯特·罗姆, 阿努克·艾梅

      Meek head clerk Kees Popinga realises at the same time as the police that owner De Koster has stripped his Dutch company clean because of his infatuation with a Parisian girl, Michelle. After a confrontation between the two men, De Koster ends up dead and Popinga makes off to Paris with the remaining money. There he contacts Michelle, with the police in close pursuit.

  • 新品种 New Strains


    导演:Artemis Shaw, Prashanth Kamalakanthan   编剧:Artemis Shaw, Prashanth Kamalakanthan

    主演:Artemis Shaw, Cynthia Talmadge, Prashanth Kamalakanthan, Olivier Sherman

      This cheerfully humdrum rom-com presents a very homemade slice of first-lockdown life. But can its squabbling couple make it through Covid? Co-writers and filmmakers Artemis Shaw and Prashanth Kamalakanthan play Kallia and Ram: young lovers vacationing to New York just as the pandemic unfolds. They’ve already descended into petty name-calling when the travel ban prolongs their ...

  • 极速前进:澳洲版 第四季 The Amazing Race Australia Season 4

    类型:冒险片电影, 运动片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:Michael McKay   编剧:埃利斯·多哥聂瑞, 贝塔曼·范·蒙斯特

    主演:Beau Ryan

      Eleven hopeful teams begin the Race in Seoul, South Korea. In the series, they will tackle trains, planes and camels as they ping-pong across the world in pursuit of the A$250,000 cash prize.

  • 获胜 Winning

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:詹姆斯 戈德斯通 (James Goldstone)   编剧:霍华德 罗德曼 (Howard Rodman (I))


      Frank Capua is a rising star on the race circuit who dreams of winning the big one--the Indianapolis 500. But to get there he runs the risk of losing his wife Elora to his rival, Luther Erding, and strains the relationship with his stepson.

  • 掌上明珠 And Then There Was Light


    导演:卡斯蒂利·兰登   编剧:卡斯蒂利·兰登

    主演:艾米·斯马特, 伯特·雷诺兹, 阿曼达·米夏卡, 连姆·麦肯泰尔

      A young girl struggles after a traumatic horse riding accident causes her to lose her eyesight. CHARLES, the head trainer of Southeastern Guide Dogs, trains Apple, a miniature horse, to be her companion and surrogate eyes.

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