
  • 懦弱 Soft

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Simon Ellis   编剧:Simon Ellis

    主演:Matthew O'Shea, Jonathan Phillips, Michael Socha

      欧洲某个中产阶级社区,一尘不染静谧祥和的街道上,伊恩(Jonny Phillips 饰)的车缓缓停在自家门口。他进门后指责儿子斯考特(Matthew O'Shea 饰)胡乱丢书包,发牢骚过后步行外出购物,却没注意到儿子此前遭到他人的欺负。与此同时,另一伙无所事事的年轻人站在某便利店门口,他们戏耍玩乐,通过吓唬嘲弄路人寻开心。伊恩遭到他们的羞辱,面对这群什么都做得出来的混小子他最终选择隐忍和沉默。他气哼哼地朝自家走去,而这群坏小子尾随其后。

  • Soft Animals


    导演:Renee Zhan   编剧:Renee Zhan

    主演:Paul Panting, Joanna Ruiz


  • 非礼勿言 Spoken

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Tenill Ransom   编剧:Tenill Ransom

    主演:Edgar Zanabria, Ryan Paynter, Chadwick Farley

      A young Christian girl and her friends are vulnerable to demonic attack because of words spoken in

  • 软雨 soft rain


    导演:Sacha Goedegebure   编剧:Sacha Goedegebure


      Omens Studios debuted Soft Rain at several international film festivals, where the animated short film

  • 软小说 Soft Fiction


    导演:Chick Strand   编剧:


      Chick Strand's SOFT FICTION is a personal documentary that brilliantly portrays the survival power

  • 温柔乡 soft places

    类型:剧情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:Maria Lease   编剧:Daniel Cady

    主演:安妮特·海雯, 保罗·托马斯, 约翰·希曼, Rock Steadie, John Rolling, Elaine Wells, Christine Kelly, Carl Regal, China Leigh, Chris Cassidy

      Annette Haven, dans le rôle de la plus sensuelle de sa carrière, de retour de l'enterrement de sa très riche et éminent mari. La veuve, accompagnée de sa famille, avocat, parle de l'anormal a quitté son mari. Pour hériter de tous les avantages de cette «aura parlé", il est nécessaire que la veuve tous connu l'expérience de l'activité sexuelle! L'expérience fonctionne, ce que le...

  • 软娈 Soft Like Me


    导演:Jeff Erbach   编剧:


  • 软与硬 Soft and Hard


    导演:让-吕克 戈达尔 (Jean-Luc Godard), Anne-Marie Miéville   编剧:

    主演:Jean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Miéville

      Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Mieville talk about their films, while doing everyday tasks around their house.

  • 温柔的家伙 Soft Lad

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Leon Lopez   编剧:Leon Lopez

    主演:Laura Ainsworth, Daniel Brocklebank

      A young man involved in a love affair that will change his life forever, whilst his lover wrestles his demons on a journey that will force him to come to terms with his sexuality, leaving lives destroyed in the wake. Love, lust, sexuality and betrayal all play arts in this coming of age story.

  • Soft Touch

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:戈登·道格拉斯, 亨利·莱文   编剧:米尔顿·霍姆斯, 奥林·詹宁斯

    主演:格伦·福特, 伊夫林·凯耶斯

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