
  • 反击 Slash/Back

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Nyla Innuksuk   编剧:Ryan Cavan, Nyla Innuksuk

    主演:Melissa Hood, Alexis Wolfe, Tasiana Shirley, Nalajoss Ellsworth, Chelsea Prusky

      Pangnirtung, Nunavut: A sleepy hamlet nestled in the majestic mountains of Baffin Island in the Arctic Ocean, wakes up to a typical summer day. No School, no cool boys (well... except one), and 24 hour sunlight. But for Maika and her ragtag friends, the usual summer is suddenly not in the cards when they discover an alien invasion threatening Pang. But these teenagers have been...

  • 网文少年 Slash

    类型:科幻片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:克雷·里福特   编剧:克雷·里福特

    主演:Michael Johnston, 汉娜·马克斯, 米西·派勒

      尼爾是個生在單親家庭的高中男孩,對科幻動漫英雄凡格情有獨鍾的他,因生性內向,在班上苦無朋友,也得不到家人認同。直到尼爾遇上臭味相投且性格剛烈的茱莉亞,兩人一拍即合!在茱莉亞鼓勵下,尼爾鼓起勇氣投稿知名網站,立即引起網 站版主丹尼斯的注意??,他的出現,大大拓展尼爾的視野,卻也衝擊了兩位高中生的情誼。導演克萊雷佛以清新明快的筆觸,刻劃師生代溝、青少年的迷惘,乃至對性向的探索。電影裡逼真的動漫場景,與劇情互為表裡,充分展現了克萊雷佛的世界觀。

  • 猎虎悍将 Slash Dance


    导演:James Shyman   编剧:James Shyman


      A female cop goes undercover as a dancer at an old theater to catch a serial killer who has been murdering women auditioning for a musical.

  • 水上乐园大屠杀 Aquaslash


    导演:Renaud Gauthier   编剧:Renaud Gauthier

    主演:布列塔尼·德里斯代尔, 沙维尔·索特洛, Lanisa Dawn, Paul Zinno, Madelline Harvey, Suzanna Lenir, Jessica Abruzzese, Samantha Hodhod

      惊悚,冷和螺旋球喜剧 和小比基尼和血腥肢解在这个氯和血浸的谋杀神秘

  • 克里斯·米勒的堕落 La corrupción de Chris Miller

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Juan Antonio Bardem   编剧:Santiago Moncada

    主演:Jean Seberg, Marisol, Barry Stokes

      "A serial killer uses a scythe to slash his murder victims--or maybe it's *her* murder victims?"

  • Guns N' Roses: Use Your Illusion I

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Axl Rose(Vocals), Slash(Lead Guitarist), Duff McKagan(Bass Guitarist)、Matt Sorum(Drummer)、Gilby Clarke

      这张是GNR 1992年在东京的演唱会录像,Use your illusion I, II,双DVD(说是双DVD其实是一部),也是他们唯一一部官方出版的live。其中,不但收录了GNR所有经典的歌曲,如Sweet chile of mine, Don't cry, November rain, 更有slash 吉他演奏的电影教父的主题曲。

  • 活死人骑士 Knight of the Dead

    类型:动作片电影, 恐怖片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Mark Atkins   编剧:Mark Atkins, Jeffrey Giles

    主演:Feth Greenwood, Dylan Jones, Lee Bennett

      Hunted by raiders, a band of crusading knights escort the holy grail through a valley of black death where they must hack and slash their way to

  • Guns N' Roses: Use Your Illusion II

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Axl Rose(Vocals), Slash(Lead Guitarist), Duff McKagan(Bass Guitarist)、Matt Sorum(Drummer)、Gilby Clarke

      这张是GNR 1992年在东京的演唱会录像,Use your illusion I, II,双DVD(说是双DVD其实是一部),也是他们唯一一部官方出版的live。其中,不但收录了GNR所有经典的歌曲,如Sweet chile of mine, Don't cry, November rain, 更有slash 吉他演奏的电影教父的主题曲。

  • 魂飞胆破5 Camp Blood 5


    导演:Dustin Ferguson   编剧:Dustin Ferguson

    主演:Schuylar Whitlea Craig, Doug Mill, Jennifer Mil

      Picking up from Camp Blood 4: more clowns, boobs, and death. If you like killer clowns, bloody slasher flicks from the 80’s, and naked chicks with big breasts and naked chicks with big breasts that get killed by clowns rent or by Camp Blood 5!

  • 库克满屋 Too Many Cooks

    类型:喜剧片电影, 科幻片电影, 动画片电影, 恐怖片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Casper Kelly   编剧:Casper Kelly, Jim Fortier

    主演:Ken DeLozier, Tara Ochs, Katelyn Nacon

      A series of montages that parodies the introductory title sequences of generic 70s, 80s and 90s TV shows of various genres slowly turns into an absurdist meta slasher and then the parody becomes even weirder.

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