
  • 回忆立陶宛之旅 Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania


    导演:乔纳斯·梅卡斯   编剧:乔纳斯·梅卡斯

    主演:乔纳斯·梅卡斯, 阿道法斯·梅卡斯, Pola Chapelle, 肯·雅各布斯, 彼得·库贝卡, Hollis Melton, Annette Michelson, Daniel Rogosin

      Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania de Jonas Mekas
      États-Unis, 1972, 16mm, 82’, coul., vostf

  • 失去的家园 Izgubljeni zavicaj


    导演:Ante Babaja   编剧:安特·巴巴贾, Slobodan Novak

    主演:Zvonimir Crnko, Antonia Cutic, Ines Fancovic

      The funeral in his native village evokes the main character's reminiscences from the childhood, but the bygone time exist only in his memories.

  • 展翅飞翔 Sprout Wings and Fly

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:莱斯·布兰克   编剧:

    主演:Tommy Jarrell, Julie Jarrell Lyons, Togie McGee, Edith Hicks, Earlie Jarrell

      This touching tribute to Appalachian culture profiles legendary, old-time fiddler Tommy Jarrell. His unpretentious folk wisdom is interlaced with family scenes and reminiscences, plus plenty of old-time music.

  • What Rules the Invisible


    导演:Tiffany Sia   编剧:


      Efficient, lucid, and forceful, Tiffany Sia’s What Rules The Invisible weds 20th-century footage of Hong Kong shot by travellers and her mother’s reminiscences of the city’s Japanese occupation, in a comment on its more recent takeover.