
  • 火力全开 Pressed

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Justin Donnelly   编剧:Justin Donnelly, Christopher Donaldson

    主演:Luke Goss, Tyler Johnston, Michael Eklund, Jeffrey Ballard

      布莱恩(迈克尔·艾克朗德 Michael Eklund 饰)是一家基金创投公司的业务总监,在勤勤恳恳的为公司工作了很多年之后,布莱恩得到的除了毫无理由的解雇之外,还有一屁股莫名其妙的债务,人到中年的布莱恩,人生可谓走入了绝境。然而,天无绝人之路,一次偶然中,布莱恩得到了一个机会,靠毒品交易来牟利,以偿还他的欠债,他决定将这次机会当成是背水一战,如果无法成功,那么他的一辈子都将无法翻身。

  • 一头抑郁的鲸鱼 A Depressed Whale

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Jason Steele   编剧:



  • 幸福的囚人 幸福な囚人

    类型:惊悚片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:天野友二朗   编剧:天野友二朗

    主演:山中アラタ, 児玉拓郎, 小原徳子, 百合沙, 池田良

      Sawada is a loyal employee and husband to his depressed wife. But Sawada is a bit paranoid at the office, feeling talked about and threatened by his colleagues.

  • Cain Rose Up

    类型:惊悚片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Jesse James Marshall   编剧:斯蒂芬·金, Jesse James Marshall

    主演:Ryan C. Barton, Dylan Colton, Matthew Paquette

      A depressed student goes on a sniping rampage from his dorm room window.

  • 反叛 Padavettu

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Liju Krishna   编剧:Liju Krishna

    主演:Balan Parakkal, Jaffer Idukki, Anil Nedumangad, Shani Shaki, 尼文·保利, Aditi Balan, Shammi Thilakan, Shine Tom Chacko, Remya Suresh, Manoj Omen, Dasan Kongad, Vijayaraghavan, Indrans, Sudheesh, Kainakary Thankaraj

      The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a world meant for all.

  • 我的第一次 Firsts

    类型:短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Jesse Ung   编剧:Jesse Ung

    主演:David Shi, Kelvin Ta, Esther Wee

      On the eve Chinese New Year, Steven, a closeted Chinese international student living in New Zealand oppressed by the expectations of his parents, plans to lose his virginity to a stranger that he meets online.

  • The Devil in Me

    类型:惊悚片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Alexis Rousseau   编剧:

    主演:Jeanne Silver, Lola E.

      A depressed woman is left alone. She decides to make her last day, HER day.

  • 金剑残骨令


    导演:鲍学礼   编剧:古龙

    主演:狄龙, 施思

      A Kung Fu warrior named Shao Tu (Li Tung) wanders around helping the oppressed, but makes many deadly enemies along the way. One such enemy is Mao (Wong Ching) who leads his army of fighters and plans a deadly plot to bring about Shao Tu's downfall.

  • 瘫痪女孩 Det Yani Dokhtar


    导演:阿伯法周·贾利里   编剧:阿伯法周·贾利里

    主演:Hossein Saki, Zinab Barbondi, Mahmoud Zadsar

      A young girl suffers from a mysterious illness that has left her paralyzed and terribly depressed. Her father has tried everything without success, and now searches for a boy to help save the young girl.

  • Andy Somebody


    导演:Jesse David Ing   编剧:Jesse David Ing, Jeremy Evans

    主演:妮可·I·巴特勒, 蒂姆·帕里什, 乔纳森·巴克利, Marissa Heart, 贝基·吴, David Forseth, Austen Jaye, Jeremy M. Evans, Franko Marcano

      Andy Fielder, a depressed Chicago accountant, steals three million dollars from his boss, a corrupt plastic surgeon, and runs off to L.A. to start a new life.

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