
  • 发电站 Powerhouse

    类型:动作片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:艾米丽·卡迈克尔   编剧:艾米丽·卡迈克尔, 科林·特莱沃若


    Spielberg)的安柏林娱乐(Amblin Entertainment)将和《侏罗纪世界》导演科林·特沃罗(Colin Trevorrow)再次合作一部家庭动作冒险片,而该片的名字叫做《发电站》(Powerhouse

  • 桃子的教学 Teaches of Peaches

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:菲利普·富塞内格尔, 朱迪·兰德卡默   编剧:考度拉·卡布里茨-珀斯特, Schyda Vasseghi

    主演:Peaches, 莱斯莉·费斯特, Chilly Gonzales, 谢尔莉·曼森, Charlie Le Mindu

      Seamlessly weaving together exclusive archival gems with dynamic tour footage, this documentary captures the transformative journey of Canadian Merrill Nisker into the internationally acclaimed cultural powerhouse that is Peaches.

  • 战利品 Trophy


    导演:绍尔·施瓦茨   编剧:绍尔·施瓦茨


      This in-depth look into the powerhouse industries of big-game hunting, breeding and wildlife conservation in the U.S. and Africa unravels the complex consequences of treating animals as commodities.