
  • Wyatt Cenac: Comedy Person


    导演:   编剧:Wyatt Cenac

    主演:Wyatt Cenac

      Wyatt Cenac因2008年-2012年间在《每日秀》做记者出名,Comedy Person是他首个一小时喜剧专场,在Comedy Central播出。

  • First Person Plural


    导演:Deann Borshay   编剧:


      In 1966, Deann Borshay Liem was adopted by an American family and was sent from Korea to her new home. Growing up in California, the memory of her birth family was nearly obliterated until recurring dreams lead Borshay Liem to discover the truth: her Korean mother was very much alive. Bravely uniting her biological and adoptive families, Borshay Liem's heartfelt journey makes F...

  • 猫派 Cat Person


    导演:苏珊娜·福格尔   编剧:


      在电影院打工的大学生玛格特(艾米莉亚·琼斯 Emilia Jones 饰)结识经常来看电影的男子罗伯特(尼可拉斯·博朗 Nicholas Braun 饰),二人的感情慢慢升温。前者渐渐发现后者身上的一些警告信号,其中一个就是自称“爱猫之人”的罗伯特,根本就没有养猫。玛格特需要找到安全脱离这段关系的办法。

  • 第一人称 First Person


    导演:Errol Morris   编剧:


      Iconoclastic documentary filmmaker Errol Morris brings his unique perspective to the small screen for a stylized series of intimate interviews with a fascinating array of people. With the aid of his "Interrotron" -- a camera device Morris invented to maintain continuous eye contact with his subjects -- the Oscar-winning director puts his odd assortment of characters and topics ...

  • 嫌疑犯 Person of Interest


    导演:Christopher Ward   编剧:Christopher Ward

    主演:Julie Bell, Donna Carney, 库利·卡尔文, Kevin Cummings

      Three professional women have disappeared from a small New England town in a period of just 18 months. Sheriff Nickie Welles, who has learned that state budget cutbacks will soon eliminate her job, is determined to find out who's behind these terrible crimes. In an act of desperation, Nickie asks James Hart, a local psychic, to help solve this tragic mystery before her tenure c...

  • 出轨幻想 Third Person

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:保罗·哈吉斯   编剧:保罗·哈吉斯

    主演:奥利维亚·王尔德, 米拉·库尼斯, 詹姆斯·弗兰科, 连姆·尼森, 阿德里安·布罗迪, 金·贝辛格, 玛丽亚·贝罗, 卡罗琳·古多尔, 莫兰·阿提艾斯, 大卫·哈雷伍德, 里卡尔多·斯卡马奇奥


  • 马戏团的人 Circus Person


    导演:Britt Lower   编剧:Britt Lower

    主演:Govind Kumar, Scott Lang, Kai Lillie, Britt Lower, Frederick Andersen, Jakob Berger, Shem Biggie, Alex Bistrevsky, Dmitrious Bistrevsky, Nicholas Jude Curran, Jenavieve Dance, Maya Deloche, Jamal Douglas, David Jones, Hailey Jones

      Left by her fiancé for another woman, Ava joins the circus to reclaim her forgotten wildness.

  • 一个好人 A Good Person


    导演:扎克·布拉夫   编剧:扎克·布拉夫

    主演:布赖恩·罗哈斯, 乔丹·波特尔, 瑞安·雷德蒙德, 西德尼·莫顿, 迈克·梅嫩德斯, 德鲁·盖林, 维克多·克鲁兹, 杰茜·缪勒, 雪莉·拉米瑞克, S·J·索恩, 弗洛伦丝·皮尤, 摩根·弗里曼, 塞莱斯特·奥康纳, 莫莉·香侬, 才那扎·乌奇, 佐伊·利斯特·琼斯, 妮雪儿·海恩斯, 托比·奥伍梅尔, 伊格纳西奥·迪亚兹-西尔弗里奥, 奥利·格林, 朱莉娅·格里尔, 亚历克斯·沃尔夫, 杰姬·霍夫曼


  • Are You the Favorite Person of Anybody?

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Miguel Arteta   编剧:米兰达·裘丽

    主演:John C. Reilly, Miranda July

      A man with a clipboard asks passersby a survey question: "Are you the favorite person of anybody?"

  • 第三人生 Third Person Singular Number


    导演:穆斯塔法·萨瓦尔·法罗齐   编剧:Mostofa Sarwar Farooki, Anisul Huque


      Ruba是一位24岁的孟加拉女孩,她很活泼,收入也不错,她的男友Munna在一个NGO组织工作,他们相亲相爱,生活在一起,却不打算结婚。虽然 Munna的父亲不赞同他们的主张,也只好睁一只眼闭一只眼。Ruba的生活理念很西化,她独立自主,充满活力,喜欢自由自在,她从来不在意社会的主流看法,也不在乎别人的指指点点,只想按照自己的想法生活,在她看来,她与Munna的小日子过得很完美。但是世事无常,厄运降临在了他们头上。某一天,因为Munna在一个错误的时刻出现在了错误的地方,他被指控犯了谋杀罪,而且被判入狱。当Munna离开以后,Ruba这才意识到,Munna对她来说,不仅是一个亲密伴侣,还是一把庇护伞,没有了Munna,Ruba所向往的自由是如此艰难。影片探讨了孟加拉中产阶级女性的困境。

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