
  • Penis Envy


    导演:   编剧:


      This ground-breaking series explores all things penile. The penis is the organ most central to a man's sense of self, and the quest for penile perfection has driven some men to incredible lengths.

  • My Penis And I


    导演:Lawrence Barraclough   编剧:

    主演:Lawrence Barraclough

      Credit to the BBC for trying to promote new Director talent. It seems that it wasn't found anywhere on this production, I'm afraid.
      What we've got here is an overly-long, self-indulgent one-trick-pony of a program where Lawrence goes around asking people if they think having a small penis is a problem.
      It all seems false - false, stilted encounters with friends and family, and ...

  • 阴茎增大诊所 The Penis Extension Clinic


    导演:   编剧:


      Penis extension surgery is a booming business in the UK and we have exclusive access to a clinic that promises to make your manhood wider and longer for £7,000. Truck driver Leon is about to go under the knife for a second time to get an even bigger penis, something his girlfriend says is unnecessary. We also meet Michael who thinks he would have had more successful relationshi...

  • 阳具木偶戏 Puppetry of the Penis: Live at the Forum


    导演:Mick De Montignie   编剧:

    主演:David Friend, Simon Morley

      澳洲籍兩位男士賽門、大衛是開路先鋒,1998年他們推出「陽具木偶劇」(Puppetry of the Penis),其創新與幽默的手法立即造成轟動。

  • 我的老二以及每个人的 My Penis and Everyone Else's


    导演:Lawrence Barraclough   编剧:

    主演:Lawrence Barraclough, Michael Elias, David Brian

  • 笔写青春 第一季 PEN15 Season 1


    导演:Dan Longino, Andy DeYoung, Sam Zvibleman   编剧:玛雅·厄斯金, 安娜·康克尔, Sam Zvibleman

    主演:Dallas Liu, Ivan Mallon, Hannah Mae, 大卫·鲍, 理查德·卡恩, Albert Howell, 布兰登基纳, 蒂姆·罗斯, 美恵子·希尔曼, 杰西·霍奇斯, 诺亚·米尔斯, 斯泰西·奥西-库福尔, 凯利·勒夫科维茨, Mutsuko Erskine, Dylan Gage, Taj Cross, 玛雅·厄斯金, 安娜·康克尔, 梅洛拉·沃尔特斯, 泰勒·尼科斯, 安娜·尼奥斯基, 布拉迪·艾伦, 托尼·埃斯皮诺萨, 乔纳斯·贝尔斯, 吉尔·巴塞, 黛安娜·德拉诺, Ceanna Kilpatrick, Sami Rappoport

      Hulu 预订成人向校园喜剧《PEN15》,每集三十分钟共十集,由《随性所欲》女星Maya Erskine与《私家法医》女星Anna Konkle共同主创与主演,两人将在剧中演出十三岁的自己。
      《PEN15》背景设定在 2000 年的某间中学,描述正值发育期的十三岁主角(美国 校园里有个梗,如果被问「你愿不愿意加入pen15俱乐部?」,如果说愿意对方就会恶作剧地把「penis」写在你手上)。