
  • 讨厌礼拜一 Nie lubie poniedzialku


    导演:塔德乌什·赫梅雷夫斯基   编剧:塔德乌什·赫梅雷夫斯基

    主演:Kazimierz Witkiewicz, Zygmunt Apostol, 博古谢·比莱夫斯基, Mieczyslaw Czechowicz, Andrzej Gawronski, Andrzej Herder

      Polish comedy of 1971, the species 'crazy'. In a September, the Monday (and exactly 15 September), a group of residents and visitors struggling with adversity. Despite the light of criticism of Polish reality, expressed in a typical director Tadeusz Chmielewski surreal way, the movie is laurką for Warsaw, full of optimism, nicely showing her beautiful places.

  • 孽海花 Nie hai hua


    导演:袁仰安, 胡小峰, 黄域   编剧:袁仰安

    主演:石磊, 平凡, 石慧, 孙芷君, 张铮, 苏秦, 夏梦, 戴妮, 曹炎, 陈静波, 金沙, 李次玉

      桂英的父親遭貪官殺害, 英自小淪落青樓習藝. 及長、英邂逅窮書生王魁, 二人共訂鴛盟, 英更傾囊助魁上京赴考. 魁高中狀元後, 卻另娶權臣程戡之女, 更與英殺父仇人狼狽為奸. 英怒闖程府, 揭破魁惡行, 魁終被正法.

  • 我不知道 Nie wiem


    导演:Krzysztof Kieslowski   编剧:


      Director Krzysztof Kieslowski gives a voice to a Polish whistleblower who revealed crimes and corruption involving local Communist Party leaders. During the 1950s, he was appointed manager of a leather factory in Silesia. There he came across shady practices such as selling stolen goods and claiming expenses for fictitious business trips. But the moment he started to investigat...

  • 我们没有迷路 Nie zgubiliśmy drogi


    导演:Anka Sasnal, Wilhelm Sasnal   编剧:Anna Sasnal

    主演:阿格涅斯卡·祖卢夫斯卡, 安德烈·卡诺普卡, Mikolaj Kubacki


  • 不留痕迹 Żeby nie było śladów


    导演:扬·P·马杜辛斯基   编剧:Kaja Krawczyk-Wnuk

    主演:托马斯·兹代克, Mateusz Górski, 雅采克·布拉茨亚克, 阿格涅兹卡·格罗乔斯卡, 罗伯特·温茨凯维奇, 亚历山德拉·康涅兹娜, 亚当·博比克, 托马斯·科特

      在1983年的波兰,诗人格勒戈尔茨普勒梅克(Grzegorz Przemyk)遭到共产党军队的成员打死。高中生尤雷克是这桩命案的唯一目击者,他就此成为专制政权的头号敌人,从特勤局、媒体到法院都成为国家打压他和亲友的工具。

  • 无人呼叫 Nikt nie wola

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:Kazimierz Kutz   编剧:约瑟夫·亨

    主演:Zofia Marcinkowska, Henryk Boukolowski

      In 1960 his second film NIKT NIE WOLA / NOBODY'S CALLING, based on a Jozef Hen novel that was

  • 不是我们 To nie my


    导演:杰兹·斯科利莫夫斯基   编剧:埃娃·皮亚斯科夫斯卡


      We wanted to capture a surreal image of a wonderful town that completely froze suddenly. Not a living soul in the streets. It is as if the essence of life had been choked violently. A real tragedy is happening all around. There were days when a thousand people a day died of coronavirus in Italy.

  • 我不会爱你 Nie będę cię kochać


    导演:Janusz Nasfeter   编剧:

    主演:Bogdan Baer

      By showing the reaction of the growing up girl for alcoholism of her father the director is reffering to more common and - maybe - more painful problem. That is the loneliness of the child, dealing with incomprehension in the family, in school. The author like experienced psychologist is showing the differences in concepts and valuation of the world by adoults and children. For...

  • 今夜或永不 Heute nacht oder nie


    导演:丹尼尔·施密德   编剧:丹尼尔·施密德


      "Schmid’s satire on 19th-century class relations is also a thinly veiled commentary on the failure of the 1968 political revolution. Once a year, an aristocratic Austrian family holds a traditional feast at which masters and servants trade places (the basic idea reminds Pirandello and a short story by Poe where the inmates of a asylum switch places with the doctors.) A troupe o...

  • 奇迹泽尼亚 Śniegu już nigdy nie będzie

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡   编剧:玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡

    主演:亚历克·乌特戈夫, 维罗妮卡·罗萨蒂, 阿伽塔·库莱沙, 玛雅·奥丝塔泽斯卡, 波利斯·席克, Katarzyna Figura, Jaroslaw Milner

      一部深刻的波兰社会讽刺片中,讲述一个按摩师成为华沙上流社会的大师的故事。单身的乌克兰移民泽尼亚在波兰做按摩师,专心在华沙上层社会上门服务。没过多久,这个有着有趣口音的神秘陌生人就在平淡无奇的封闭社区里备受追捧。据说他的眼睛可以直视灵魂,双手能够施展魔法。而他的客户越多, 他就越像一个改变当地生活的大师一样备受尊敬。

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