
  • 摩斯探长 第十季 Inspector Morse: Death Is Now My Neighbour Season 10

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:查尔斯·比森   编剧:柯林·德克斯特, 朱利安·米契

    主演:约翰·肖, 凯文·沃特利, 克莱尔·霍尔曼, 理查德·布赖尔斯, 朱蒂·罗, 罗杰·阿拉姆

      Rachel James is shot through her kitchen window while having breakfast early one morning. She was having an affair with Dr. Julian Storrs, an Oxford professor who is a candidate for Master of Lonsdale College. When her next door neighbor is also killed however, Morse determines that the shooting of James may have been in error. Morse also suspects that he may have been a blackm...

  • 网络直播 Webcast

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:保罗·麦克吉   编剧:保罗·麦克吉, 克里斯·肖

    主演:Rob Taylor, Nicole Griggs, Tito Adamou, Barbara Jenner, 萨曼莎·雷德福, 约瑟夫·特雷曼, 尼科拉·赖特, Angela Plater, Georgie Cracknell Wright, Christopher Tajah, Clifford Allison, Julian Lamoral-Roberts, Kiki Kendrick, Denise Orita, Ruby Padwick

      When two young filmmakers suspect their neighbours are involved with the abduction of a teenage girl, they begin to run surveillance on them, and that's when things start to go wrong.

  • 阳台 balcony

    类型:短片电影, 同性片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Toby Fell-Holden   编剧:Toby Fell-Holden

    主演:Charlotte Beaumont

      In a neighbourhood rife with racial tension, a local girl falls for a recent arrival.

  • Cheaters

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:   编剧:Oliver Lyttelton

    主演:托比·班特法, Ross Boatman, 吉姆·诺顿, Henry Perryment, 伯纳多·桑托斯, Sarah Thom, 约书亚·麦圭尔, 苏珊·沃卡曼, 凯莉·库克, 杰克·福克斯, Shiloh Coke, Andrea Valls, Adam Dean Ayadi, Jay Lycurgo, 维多利亚·布鲁姆, 布朗温·詹姆斯, Glenn Wrage

      A chance meeting after a cancelled flight leads to an unlikely night of drunken airport-hotel sex between two strangers in their late twenties, Fola and Josh. Both are already in relationships and unknowingly soon to be neighbours.

  • 邻里 Two Doors Down


    导演:西蒙·海琳德   编剧:Simon Carlyle, Gregor Sharp

    主演:乔纳森·沃森, 亚力克斯·诺顿, Doon Mackichan

      Comedy centred around a couple and their insufferable neighbours.

  • 冬湖 The Winter Lake

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Phil Sheerin   编剧:David Turpin

    主演:Jordan McGuinness, 艾玛·麦基, 夏莉·墨菲, 迈克尔·麦克埃尔哈顿, 马克·麦克肯纳, 安森·布恩, Ally Ni Chiarain, Maria McDermottroe, Mark Duffy, Penelope Robinson, Michael Roper, Conor Hamill

      After making a grim discovery in a seasonal lake, a withdrawn teenager discovers the truth about his neighbours, a father and daughter harbouring sinister secrets.

  • 理发师的阴谋论 Il barbiere complottista


    导演:Valerio Ferrara   编剧:Valerio Ferrara, Matteo Petecca

    主演:Lucio Patané, Ilir Jacellari

      In a lower-class neighbourhood in Rome, there is a barber who believes in conspiracy theories. He is the laughing stock of his family as well as at work. Nobody takes him seriously until he gets arrested by the police.

  • 第四位受害者 La última señora Anderson


    导演:欧亨尼奥·马丁   编剧:Sabatino Ciuffini, Vicente Coello

    主演:卡罗尔·贝克, 迈克尔·克雷格, 何塞·路易斯·洛佩斯·巴斯克斯, 玛丽娜·马尔法迪

      A wealthy Englishman finds his third wife dead. After the police discover that his first two wives had also died suddenly, an investigation is launched. Meanwhile, a new neighbour moves in and she seems to become very interested in Arthur.

  • 口香糖 第三季 Chewing Gum Season 3


    导演:   编剧:


      The life of Tracey and the mishaps of her neighbourhood, friends and family. Oh, and obvs her boyfriend!

  • 我死了 I'm Dead

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Dan Sully   编剧:Dan Sully

    主演:Khali Best, Frances Campbell, James Eeles, Jackson Milner, Tom Padley

      When Joe discovers his next door neighbour dead, he's forced into making a terrible choice - secretly dispose of her corpse or be framed for her murder.

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