
  • 别靠近我 Near


    导演:Chris Good Goodwin   编剧:Chris Good Goodwin

    主演:Zak Ferguson, Kyra Keith, Kilee Iris, Connor Scambler, Lydia Cain, Janine Fernandez, Angelo Basso, Marissa Rasmussen, Ivo Correia Pereira, Alexandra Milne, Kelly McDowell, Morvarid Alinejad, Brendyn Milne, Matt Sawyers


  • 临终 Near Death


    导演:弗雷德里克·怀斯曼   编剧:


      ''Your lungs are about as bad as they can get,'' the nurse explains to the 83-year-old man. ''Your lungs aren't going to get better, and so the act of putting you on the machine is almost a futile effort.'' In a long conversation, the nurse lets this patient know what his options are and tries to determine his wishes, as kindly as possible but with the suggestion that she has d...

  • 血尸夜 Near Dark

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:凯瑟琳·毕格罗   编剧:埃里克·雷德, 凯瑟琳·毕格罗

    主演:亚德里安·帕斯达, 珍妮·赖特


  • 濒临死亡 Near Death


    导演:Joe Castro   编剧:Daniel Benton

    主演:Perrine Moore, Ali Willingham, 斯科特·朗斯福德, Brannon Gould, Joe Haggerty

      1947年著名的电影导演Willi Von Bram 精神错乱。他疯狂沉浸在与漂亮的少女Maria Delarosa的爱恋中。当她拒绝他的激情越轨举动,Von Bram残暴的袭击了她, 卡住她,并挖出勒她的心。绝望中,他跳崖寻死。据传说他那凶残的鬼魂还经常出没于他的海滨大屋,在大厅中穿梭!50年后,一个出色的捉鬼队前来一探 “Maria诅咒”的究竟,解开缠绕人们心头的迷雾!

  • 并无近处 Nowhere Near

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Miko Revereza   编剧:


      Having spent much of his life as an undocumented migrant in the United States, artist-filmmaker Miko Revereza made his return to the Philippines last summer. Interrupted at an early stage in editing, his second feature film will shed a personal light on ideas of belonging as he traces his roots in a country marked by an uncertain future.

  • 奇点临近 The Singularity Is Near

    类型:剧情片电影, 科幻片电影, 纪录片电影

    导演:Toshi Hoo, Raymond Kurzweil, Anthony Waller   编剧:

    主演:Pauley Perrette

      The brilliant inventor Ray Kurzweil creates a computer avatar named Ramona (Pauley Perrette). He raises her like a modern-day Pinocchio, and she gradually acquires consciousness. Ramona detects a secret attempt by microscopic robots to destroy the world, but her warnings are ignored by everyone because she is not recognized as a person. Her computerized nature lets her stop the...

  • 濒死体验 Near Death Experience


    导演:古斯塔弗·科文, 伯努瓦·德雷平   编剧:古斯塔弗·科文, 伯努瓦·德雷平


  • 隔壁房间 The Near Room

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:David Hayman   编剧:罗伯特·莫菲

    主演:阿德里安·敦巴, 大卫·奥哈拉

      Charlie Colquhoun is a journalist whose career is floundering. As a teenager, he fathered a daughter, Tommy, who was committed to foster care as an infant. Seventeen years later, Charlie, Tommy and Charlie's old schoolmate Harris Hill, now a squeaky-clean solicitor, are reunited by a scandal that includes child pornography, blackmail and murder.

  • 公园惊魂 Don't Go Near the Park


    导演:Lawrence D. Foldes   编剧:

    主演:Aldo Ray, Meeno Peluce, Tamara Taylor

      Two siblings cursed in prehistoric times survive for millennia by feasting on the entrails of young people, prowling in what eventually becomes a park in contemporary Los Angeles.

  • Near Equal 森山大道 ≒森山大道


    导演:藤井謙二郎   编剧:

    主演:森山大道, 荒木経惟, 西井一夫

      天才アラーキーこと荒木経惟をして「新しい写真の時代を作り出した男」と言わしめる写真家・森山大道。60年代後半より常にカリスマ的存在として写真界に君臨しながらも、マスコミへの表立った登場を拒み続けていたため、その人物像はどこか謎のヴェ-ルに包まれている。本作品『 ≒(ニア・イコール) 森山大道 』は、今まで公にされることのなかった彼の現在を、デジタルビデオで追った珠玉のドキュメンタリーである。
      コンパクトカメラ v.s. デジタルハンディカム

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