
  • The Teckman Mystery


    导演:温迪·托伊   编剧:Francis Durbridge James Matthews

    主演:玛格丽特·莱顿, 约翰·贾斯廷, 罗兰·卡尔弗

      A biographer researching a book on a pilot who died during the test flight of a new plane falls in love with the pilot's sister. As he uncovers more about the test flight, people connected with the case begin to die.

  • Mystery of a Masterpiece


    导演:David Murdock   编剧:David Murdock


      In October 2007, a striking portrait of a young woman in Renaissance dress made world news headlines. Originally sold nine years before for around $20,000, the portrait is now thought to be an undiscovered masterwork by Leonardo da Vinci worth more than $100 million. How did cutting-edge imaging analysis help tie the portrait to Leonardo? NOVA meets a new breed of experts who a...

  • 魂系冰球 Mystery, Alaska

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:杰伊·罗奇   编剧:大卫·E·凯利, Sean O'Byrne

    主演:罗素·克劳, 汉克·阿扎利亚, 玛丽·麦克科马克


  • 神秘之地 Mystery Spot


    导演:Mel House   编剧:Mel House

    主演:Graham Skipper, 莉萨·威尔科克斯, 戴比·露珍

      A roadside attraction brings the past to life for those unlucky enough to find it.

  • The Mystery of Mr. X

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:埃德加·塞尔温   编剧:菲利普·麦克唐纳


  • MH370: Mystery of the Lost Flight


    导演:Steve Webb   编剧:

    主演:Hugh Dunleavy, Dennis Jones, David Learmount

      In the 21st century, commercial planes don’t just vanish. But in 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 did. Tells the definitive story of the flight’s devastating disappearance and unravels the many theories and conspiracies that have attempted to explain the cause of the lost flight. This special draws on new evidence, expertise from investigators and candid testimony from thos...

  • 神秘之路 Mystery Road


    导演:Ivan Sen   编剧:Ivan Sen

    主演:亚伦·佩德森, 瑞恩·柯万腾, 雨果·维文

      An indigenous detective returns to the Outback to investigate the murder of a young girl.

  • 神秘女郎 Mystery Girls

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:Shepard Boucher, 托蕊·斯培林   编剧:

    主演:詹妮·加斯, 托蕊·斯培林, Miguel Pinzon


  • 情人救命 Mystery Date


    导演:乔纳森·瓦克斯   编剧:Parker Bennett, 特里·伦特

    主演:伊桑·霍克, 特丽·波洛, 布莱恩·麦克纳玛拉

      Tom's in love with the cute house sitter next door. He's too shy but his older brother visits and helps Tom with the first date. Things don't go as planned.

  • 神探警车 Mystery Street

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影, 黑色电影片电影

    导演:约翰·斯特奇斯   编剧:理查德·布鲁克斯, 西德尼·贝姆

    主演:里卡多·蒙特尔班, 莎莉·佛瑞斯特, 布鲁斯·本内特
