
  • 奇迹之书 La chambre des merveilles


    导演:丽萨·阿祖洛斯   编剧:法比恩·萨华雷斯, 朱丽叶·赛尔斯

    主演:亚历山德拉·拉米, 穆里尔·罗宾, 欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇

      The story revolves around Thelma, who is devastated when Louis, her 12-year-old son, falls into a deep coma after an accident. When she discovers his “end-of-the-world bucket list”, she realises how adventurous and creative Louis is. With the hope of bringing her son back from the brink, she decides to make his wishes come true… From Japan to Portugal, Thelma embarks on an adve...

  • 奇迹之味 Le Goût des merveilles

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:艾瑞克·贝斯纳   编剧:艾瑞克·贝斯纳

    主演:维尔日妮·埃菲拉, 本杰明·拉维赫尼, 露西·法朱得, 莱昂·洛雷亚, 埃尔韦·皮埃尔, 西娅姆·阿巴斯, 洛朗·巴图


  • 阿里梦游仙境 Ali au pays des merveilles


    导演:Djouhra Abouda, Alain Bonnamy   编剧:Djouhra Abouda, Alain Bonnamy


      Shaky and stirring, Ali au pays des Merveilles shows an increasingly devastating conflict between the

  • 曼努尔的宿命 Manoel dans l'île des merveilles

    类型:剧情片电影, 儿童片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Raoul Ruiz   编剧:若昂·伯特洛, Leonor Pinhão, 劳尔·鲁伊斯

    主演:Pedro Fernandes, Clara Rolim, Luis Gaspar da Silva, Tony Jessen, Isabel Branco, Ruben de Freitas, 特丽莎·马德鲁加, Fernando Heitor, Marco Paulo de Freitas, 迪奥哥·多瑞亚, Vasco Pimentel, Cecília Guimarães, José de Freitas, Aurélie Chazelle, Miguel Silva, Pedro M. Ruivo

      This three part French TV serial for children (alternate versions exist as a feature, Manoel's Destinies, and a 4 part Portuguese TV serial, Adventure in Madeira) is the favourite of many devotees of Raúl Ruiz. This is because it ties the enchantment and mystery of Lewis Carroll, Carlo Collodi and the Brothers Grimm to the filmmaker's experiments with narrative strategies and w...

  • 梦幻岛的钟声 Cloche Petite aux merveilles du pays


    导演:Anthony Brinig   编剧:



  • 奇迹蒙费梅伊 Merveilles à Montfermeil


    导演:让娜·巴利巴尔   编剧:让娜·巴利巴尔, Camille Fontaine

    主演:朗齐·贝迪亚, 艾曼纽·贝阿, 马修·阿马立克, 布鲁·欧吉尔

      让娜·巴利巴尔将执导她的第二部全新影片[奇迹蒙费梅伊](Merveilles à Montfermeil,暂译),朗齐·贝迪亚、艾曼纽·贝阿([八美图])、马修·阿马立克、布鲁·欧吉尔等主演,故事围绕夫妻丘耶勒