
  • 恶灵之家 Malevolent


    导演:奥拉弗·约翰内斯松   编剧:本·科泰, Eva Konstantopoulos

    主演:弗洛伦丝·皮尤, 西莉亚·伊姆里, 本·劳埃德-休斯, 斯考特·钱伯斯, Georgina Bevan


  • 林中邪神 Sator


    导演:Jordan Graham   编剧:Jordan Graham

    主演:Michael Daniel, Rachel Johnson, Aurora Lowe

      A malevolent spirit that manifests itself via a receptor.

  • 他们看起来像人类 They Look Like People

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Perry Blackshear   编剧:Perry Blackshear

    主演:MacLeod Andrews, Evan Dumouchel, Margaret Ying Drake

      Suspecting that those around him are actually malevolent shape-shifters, a troubled man questions whether to protect his only friend from an impending war, or from himself.
      A genre-bending story of love, loyalty, and living nightmares

  • 土星三号 Saturn 3

    类型:科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:斯坦利·多南   编剧:马丁·艾米斯

    主演:柯克·道格拉斯, 费拉·福赛特, 哈威·凯特尔

      Two lovers stationed at a remote base in the asteroid fields of Saturn are intruded upon by a retentive technocrat from Earth and his charge: a malevolent eight foot robot.

  • 广岛幽灵 Ghosts of Hiroshima


    导演:Brandon Walker   编剧:Brandon Walker

    主演:Ashley Park, Robert Palmer Watkins, 北村昭博, Max Bishop, Tony Gibbons, Shoko Rice

      A malevolent force lingers at the hallowed grounds of a nuclear calamity.

  • 内心的恶魔 Inner Demon

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Ursula Dabrowsky   编剧:Ursula Dabrowsky

    主演:Sarah Jeavons, Kerry Ann Reid, Andreas Sobik

      A teenage girl is abducted by a serial killer couple and manages to escape and find refuge in an isolated farmhouse, only to discover it is home to greater horrors and a malevolent spirit.

  • 血干倘卖无 Dry Blood


    导演:Kelton Jones   编剧:Clint Carney

    主演:Clint Carney, Jaymie Valentine, Kelton Jones

      In a rural mountain town, an unstable drug addict must unravel a surreal murder mystery as he's terrorized by malevolent ghosts, a deranged sheriff, and the frightening hallucinations from his withdrawal.

  • 暗夜鬼抓床 Nails


    导演:丹尼斯·巴托克   编剧:汤姆·艾布拉姆斯, 丹尼斯·巴托克

    主演:肖娜·麦克唐纳, Leah McNamara, 罗斯·诺贝尔

      Paralyzed after a terrible accident, Dana struggles to regain her life and family when she encounters a malevolent ghost in her hospital room.

  • 墓地的最后一栋房子 The Last House on Cemetery Lane

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Andrew Jones   编剧:Andrew Jones

    主演:Vivien Bridson, Georgina Blackledge, Lee Bane

      A screenwriter staying in an old manor house in West Wales discovers that it's haunted by malevolent spirits.

  • 坏本6:进入之路 Bad Ben: The Way In


    导演:Nigel Bach   编剧:Nigel Bach

    主演:Nigel Bach

      The new owner of the home on Steelmanville Road has hired Tom Riley to go back into the home to rid it of all malevolent forces prior to moving her family in. Tom returns, alone, and finds himself battling 9 demons.

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