
  • 类似孤独 Something Like Loneliness

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Ben Epstein, Seth Epstein   编剧:Ryan Dowler, Seth Epstein

    主演:Lee Eddy, Marco Joseph

      这部短片改编自瑞安 · 道勒(Ryan Dowler)的一部获奖短剧,考虑到这是一部以声音为前提的短片,制作团队设法捕捉到了声音的情感温度,建议佩戴耳机观看。

  • 长跑者的寂寞 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

    类型:剧情片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:托尼·理查德森   编剧:阿兰·西利托

    主演:汤姆·康特奈, 迈克尔·雷德格瑞夫, 阿维丝·班内奇


  • 陌路情缘 Intimidade Entre Estranhos


    导演:若瑟·阿尔瓦亨伽·朱尼尔   编剧:Matheus Souza

    主演:米尔黑·考塔兹, 哈法爱拉·曼黛莉, Gabriel Contente

      A woman moves back, from São Paulo to her hometown Rio de Janeiro, to support her husband's job. On their new residence, she forms an unlikely bond with her young neighbor based on their past memories, sadness and loneliness.

  • 此时此地之间 Between Here and Now

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Jannik Splidsboel   编剧:Jannik Splidsboel

    主演:Francesco Martino, Peder Bille

      Tony, a visiting Italian, meets Oscar in a Copenhagen bar. What seems like a one-night stand becomes more complicated and the two men form a fragile friendship based on mutual loneliness.

  • 西莫内不在了 Simone est partie


    导演:Mathilde Chavanne   编剧:Mathilde Chavanne

    主演:Chara Afouhouye, Chloé Besson, Lomane De Dietrich

      Young actors take over the bodies of my grandparents and replay their last moments together. Accompanied by the voice of my grandfather, they tell of escaping memory, painful bodies, loneliness. They tell of loss, talk of life.

  • 爱情史 The History of Love

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:拉杜·米哈伊列亚努   编剧:拉杜·米哈伊列亚努, Nicole Krauss

    主演:杰玛·阿特登, 托蕊·海金森, 德里克·雅各比, 苏菲·奈丽丝, 埃利奥特·古尔德

      The story of a long-lost book that mysteriously reappears and connects an old man searching for his son with a girl seeking a cure for her mother's loneliness.