
  • Fiona Apple: Fast as You Can

    类型:短片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:保罗·托马斯·安德森   编剧:费欧娜·艾波


      Paul Thomas Anderson-directed music video for Fiona Apple's single. Shot with a vintage hand-cranked camera using multiple lenses.

  • 纽约纽约 N.Y., N.Y.

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:弗朗西斯·汤普森   编剧:


      A day in the life of the city and citizens of New York as seen through the fantastic eye, and the incredibly distorted optic lenses, of filmmaker Francis Thompson.(imdb)

  • 欢迎来到圣保罗 Bem-Vindo a São Paulo


    导演:Mercedes Moncada Rodríguez, Andrea Vecchiato, 阿莫斯·吉泰, 丹妮拉·托马斯, 吉田喜重, 蔡明亮, Leon Cakoff, 沃尔夫冈·贝克, Renata de Almeida, 米卡·考里斯马基, 菲利普·诺伊斯, 卡耶塔诺·费洛索, 吉姆·麦克布莱德, Hanna Elias, 玛丽亚·德·梅黛洛   编剧:


      The city of São Paulo, as seen through the lenses of 13 directors.

  • Katarakt


    导演:Jonatan Egholm Keis   编剧:Jonatan Egholm Keis

    主演:Carla Viola Thurøe, 卢卡斯·林高·藤内森, 约翰内斯·昆科, 安德斯·霍夫, Mitcho Batalov, Salim Assi, Dorcas J.M.G. Hansen, Louise Hylland, Jihad Assi

      A woman robs a gas station with her nearly-blind younger brother and catapults herself into a claustrophobic tick-of-the-clock race for a new set of lenses for his eyes.