
  • 赖家王老五 Failure to Launch

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:汤姆·戴伊   编剧:汤姆·J·阿瑟尔, 马特·恩贝尔

    主演:马修·麦康纳, 莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克, 佐伊·丹斯切尔, 贾斯汀·巴萨, 布莱德利·库珀, 凯西·贝茨, 凯瑟琳·温妮克, 亚当·亚里克斯-马里

      特里普(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)是个标准规格的王老五,虽然不再是二十多岁的翩翩美少年,却不失成熟男子的魅力,成功的事业和不赖的长相一应俱全。但他几乎和男女私情绝缘,整天喜欢在家中和父母混在一起,成为情感上的“啃老族”。
      这当然让父母着急。两老为了帮儿子早点拍拖结婚,想尽各种点子。在发现特里普似乎对金发碧眼的美女十分感兴趣时,他们的好主意便成型了——他们找来一名叫波拉(莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker饰)的美女,让她完成任务给她报酬,目的就是:让特里普发现异性的吸引,从此计划恋爱的事儿。怎料,特里普在迷人的波拉面前不堪一击,防线瞬间崩溃,堕入情网。这不仅令波拉也有点情迷意乱,还印证了“计划赶不上变化这句老话”……

  • 重返太空 Space Launch: America Returns To Space


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Douglas G. Hurley, Robert L. Behnken, 伊隆·马斯克


  • 我的时装设计师 第一季 Launch My Line


    导演:Bravo   编剧:Bravo

    主演:Akiko Cook, Marilyn Crawford, Eric Cubeechee, Patrick McDonald, Thai Nguyen, Stefani Greenfield, Louanna Rawls, Galina Sobolev, Jim Tanner, Tressa Williams, Kathy Rose, Lisa Kline, David Applebaum, Dean Caten, Dan Caten, Roberto De Vallacis, Amanda Fields, Emil Gampe, Merle Ginsberg, Vanessa Gonzalez, Daniel Karaty, Coco Kliks, Julie Kwon, Kevin Black, Susan Brunet

      The series features 10 well known professionals who are highly regarded in their own field of expertise, but have always dreamed of having their own clothing line. These professionals will be paired with ten established fashion designers who will help them execute their dream clothing line. The ten pairs will be put to the test and at the end of every episode a complete look fr...

  • 反恐 Muru

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:特阿雷巴·卡希   编剧:特阿雷巴·卡希, Jason Nathan

    主演:克利夫·柯蒂斯, 杰·瑞恩, 马努·贝内特

      Inspired by actual events, MURU is the story of a local Police Sergeant 'Taffy' Tawharau (Cliff Curtis), who must choose between his badge and his people, when the Government launches an armed raid through his Ruatoki community, on a school day.

  • 侯门一入深似海 La Pièce rapportée


    导演:安托南·佩里提亚可   编剧:安托南·佩里提亚可, Noëlle Renaude

    主演:若西安·巴拉斯科, 阿娜伊斯·德穆斯蒂埃, 塞尔希·洛佩斯, 威廉·勒布吉欧, 菲烈·卡特林

      Paul Château Têtard, 48, falls in love with a young woman working as a counter clerk in the subway. When he plans to marry her, his mother launches a private detective on her tracks to prove she's cheating on her son.

  • 神明 Divinity


    导演:埃迪·阿尔卡萨尔   编剧:

    主演:贝拉·索恩, 斯科特·巴库拉, 莫伊塞斯·阿里亚斯

      Centers on two mysterious brothers, who abduct a mogul during his quest for immortality. Meanwhile, a seductive woman helps them launch a journey of self-discovery.

  • 月球的鲨鱼面 Shark Side of the Moon

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Glenn Campbell, Tammy Klein   编剧:Ryan Ebert, Anna Rasmussen

    主演:Tammy Klein, Mahpara Khan, 娜塔莎·古布斯卡亚, Yelena Savranskaya, Maxi Witrak, 伊戈·米基塔斯, Michael Marcel, Sandi Todorovic, Konstantin Podprugin, Lindsey Marie Wilson, Lydia Hunter, Terrance Livingston Jr., Michael Deni, Reginald Stalling III, Roman Chsherbakov

      Decades ago, the USSR developed unkillable sharks and launched them to the moon. Today, a team of American astronauts will endure the fight of their lives.

  • 第四位受害者 La última señora Anderson


    导演:欧亨尼奥·马丁   编剧:Sabatino Ciuffini, Vicente Coello

    主演:卡罗尔·贝克, 迈克尔·克雷格, 何塞·路易斯·洛佩斯·巴斯克斯, 玛丽娜·马尔法迪

      A wealthy Englishman finds his third wife dead. After the police discover that his first two wives had also died suddenly, an investigation is launched. Meanwhile, a new neighbour moves in and she seems to become very interested in Arthur.

  • 荒野疗法 Pétaouchnok


    导演:爱德华·德吕克   编剧:

    主演:皮奥·马麦, 菲利普·雷博

      Deep in the Pyrenees, two close friends at rock bottom have the idea of the century: to pull themselves out of their misery, they will launch a horse trekking tour.

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