
  • Mo Gilligan: There's Mo to LifeMo Gilligan: There's Mo to Life


    导演:Chris Howe   编剧:Mo Gilligan

    主演:Mo Gilligan

  • Co Mo Li

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Lisa Marie Malloy, Dennis Zhou   编剧:


      An Indigenous Amis family hunts snails by headlight after a midnight rain on Taiwan’s eastern coast. Back home, as they butcher, clean, and cook them, family members pass on their endangered language to a younger generation and trade ghost stories that echo the fragility of inherited identities.

  • Tee and Mo

    类型:动画片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:   编剧:


      Tee and Mo follows the adventures of a fun-loving three-year-old monkey, Tee, and first-time super-mum

  • 默默的秘密 My Name is Mo Mo

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:卢晨   编剧:卢晨

    主演:冯冬, 李凌波


  • 过路财神 Mo' Money

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:彼得·麦克唐纳德   编剧:达蒙·韦恩斯

    主演:达蒙·韦恩斯, 斯黛西·达什, 乔·桑托斯, 马龙·韦恩斯, 约翰·迪尔

      After a string of small time scams, Johnny Stewart(Damon Wayans), finally decides to go legit when he meets the women of his dreams(Stacy Dash). Following her into the Dynasty Credit Card offices , he quickly accepts a low-level job in the mailroom. But the temptation of free money- in the form of returned credit cards- is more temptation then he can resist, and soon he and his...

  • 爵士风情 Mo' Better Blues

    类型:剧情片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:斯派克·李   编剧:斯派克·李

    主演:丹泽尔·华盛顿, 斯派克·李, 韦斯利·斯奈普斯, 约翰·特托罗, 塞缪尔·杰克逊

      《Mo' Better Blues》原片名为「A Love Supreme」,取自约翰柯川(John Coltrane)的经典专辑名,片中Spike Lee找来了丹佐华盛顿(Denzel

  • 超越 Lagpas: Ikaw, ano'ng trip mo?

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Hedjie Calagui   编剧:Mimosa Green, Paul Singh Cudail

    主演:Dennis Torres, Rob Da Silva, Dustin Jose, Kim Allen, Miko Laurel

      On the day of Roy's birthday, an unexpected event happens in the lives of the people in his house.
      Unbeknownst to Diego, a hunk gay waiter, Roy, a student, is the only key to the truths sorrounding the lies and deceits in the house.
      Drugs and hidden motives involving Diego and Sandro, a callboy and student, will be revealed which eventually lead to the death of the latter.

  • 阿穆的生存之道 Mo


    导演:   编剧:穆罕默德·阿米尔, 拉米·尤素夫

    主演:雪梨·道比什, Cynthia Yelle, Rafael Castillo, Rana Haddad, 威尔莫·卡德隆, 梅勒妮·海恩斯, Asad Durrani, 特蕾莎·鲁伊斯, 穆罕默德·阿米尔, 奥马尔·埃尔巴, Farah Bsieso, Tobe Nwigwe, Mohammad Hindi, 李·埃迪, Kasey Bass, Michael Y. Kim, Mariam Albishah, 塞缪尔·戴维斯

      这部打动人心的喜剧片由喜剧演员莫·阿米尔(《The Vagabond》《黑亚当》)和拉米·尤素夫(《拉米》《黑客军团》)担任创剧人和监制。该剧集由 A24 的拉维·南丹和哈莉·塞科夫、哈里斯·丹诺(《星星之火》《黛西与乐队》)、卢夫·拉赫(《说唱王戴夫》《费城永远阳光灿烂》)以及剧集导演索尔曼·纳伊姆(“滑头”)共同担任监制。

  • 烟味人生 Heup-yeon mo-nyuh


    导演:Eun-jung Ryou   编剧:

    主演:Jae-hui Park, Young-hwa Seo

      Younghee, 7 year-old girl. She smokes out of curiosity. Her mother smokes herself into composure. One day, Younghee's father who is cheating on his wife beats his wife and daughter to run away from home. Younghee and her mother share something special to comfort each other.

  • 借种2:美人鱼传说 Anakan mo ako

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:Humilde 'Meek' Roxas   编剧:Humilde 'Meek' Roxas

    主演:Klaudia Koronel, Anton Bernardo, Gino Ilustre


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