
  • 年轻的迭戈 El joven Diego

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Osama Chami, Enrique Gimeno Pedrós   编剧:Osama Chami, Enrique Gimeno Pedrós

    主演:Iván Pellicer, Quim Ramos

      With a haunting atmosphere and a narrative open to different interpretations, 'El joven Diego' is presented as a metaphor that explores interpersonal relationships and human desire. A very personal portrait of youth and the search for first 'love.'

  • Oh, My God!


    导演:Anne Sewitsky   编剧:

    主演:Ella Vicorie Henriksen Haagensen, Julie Solberg, Ebba Tangen

      A humorous observation of children's interpretations and experiences of sexuality. It looks back through grown-up eyes at the reality of being part of the "in-crowd". But first and foremost, it is a film about the orgasm.