
  • SCP基金会:玩偶屋 SCP: Dollhouse


    导演:Stephen Hancock   编剧:Evan Muir, Amna Secerovic, Alyssa Torralva

    主演:Bryce Buckley, Frank Fallon, Jerry Freeman, Bradley Gareth, Daniel Hodge, River Kanoff, Austin McKayle Rearden, Malina Susim, Kendel Vendettie

      A group of MTF Operatives perform a sweep of a house in suburban Middle America after reports of anomalous activity inside. The group are unprepared with lacking and misguided intel and find themselves incapable of dealing with the threat inside the home

  • 客人 L'ospite


    导演:莉莉安娜·卡瓦尼   编剧:莉莉安娜·卡瓦尼

    主演:露西娅·波塞, 格劳科·毛里, 彼得·冈萨雷斯·法尔孔

      A forty year old woman, who has been in an asylum, goes to live with her brother's family. She proves incapable of adapting herself to family life, takes refuge in the country alone with her memories, and is later returned to the asylum.

  • 梦想捕手 I wish...

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Victor Lorenzo Pinel   编剧:Carlos Linares-Rivas Rodríguez, Victor Lorenzo Pinel


      影片讲述了一个无法追逐自己梦想的人的故事。你会看到,当你不 去追逐梦想时,梦想会反过来追逐你。
      I about a man incapable of following his dreams, and how they pursue you when you don’t pursue them.