
  • 雾夜足音 Footsteps in the Fog

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:阿瑟·卢宾   编剧:亚瑟·皮尔森, 多萝茜·达文波特, 伦诺尔 J. 科菲, W·W·雅各布斯

    主演:斯图尔特·格兰杰, 简·西蒙斯, 比尔·特拉弗斯, 贝琳达·李, 罗纳德·斯夸尔

      To his Victorian London friends, Stephen Lowry is a heartbroken widower. Only his housemaid Lily knows that far from dying of gastroenteritis his wife was slowly poisoned by her husband - information she is happy to use to improve her position in the household and to make sure she stays close to Stephen. As his own prospects improve with a business partnership and a romance mor...

  • 于洛先生的足迹 In the Footsteps of Monsieur Hulot

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Sophie Tatischeff   编剧:苏菲·塔蒂谢夫

    主演:Jacques Tati


  • 追踪亚历山大的足迹 In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great


    导演:David Wallace   编剧:Michael Wood

    主演:Michael Wood


  • 流浪者:追随布鲁斯·查特文的脚步 Nomad: In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin

    类型:纪录片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:沃纳·赫尔佐格   编剧:沃纳·赫尔佐格

    主演:沃纳·赫尔佐格, 布鲁斯 查特文


  • 贾尔斯·布伦迪斯的文学探秘之简·奥斯汀的足迹 In Jane Austen's Footsteps with Gyles Brandreth


    导演:Nico Wasserman   编剧:

    主演:David Baddiel, Katy Brand, Bidisha, Gyles Brandreth, Gurinder Chadha, Amy Cooke-Hodgson, John Mullan, Rachel Parris

      Gyles Brandreth unlocks the secrets behind Jane Austen's novels, delves into her life and uncovers the real events that inspired some of the greatest stories ever told.

  • 极限舞王 Munna Michael

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Sabir Khan   编剧:Vimi Datta

    主演:泰戈·什罗夫, 纳瓦祖丁·席迪圭, Nidhi Agerwal

      A young man, tries to follow the footsteps of his idol, The King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

  • 机遇街道 Street of Chance


    导演:约翰·克伦威尔   编剧:伦诺尔 J. 科菲, 霍华德·埃斯塔布鲁克

    主演:威廉·鲍威尔, 琪恩·亚瑟, 凯·弗朗西斯, 里吉斯·图米

      A big-time, but honest gambler has to prevent his younger brother from following in his footsteps, and taking up gambling.

  • 欢呼 Applause

    类型:剧情片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:鲁本·马莫利安   编剧:加勒特·富特

    主演:海伦·摩根, 琼·佩尔斯, Fuller Mellish Jr., Jack Cameron, 亨利·沃兹沃思, 罗伊·哈格雷夫, 多萝西·卡明

      This early example of the "backstage" musical genre tells the story of Kitty Darling, a fading burlesque star who tries to save her convent-educated daughter April from following in Mom's footsteps.

  • 咆哮 Brummi

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Ralf Bischoff   编剧:Ralf Bischoff

    主演:Moritz Berg, Wolfgang Böhm, Steffen Böye, 伊娃-玛丽亚·库尔兹, Birgit Schürmann

      A chamber play-like reflection of two adult men in the footsteps of banned DEFA films from the 1960s. A truly independent film beyond the mainstream, produced independently of broadcasters and funding.

  • 帝国的诞生:东印度公司 The Birth of Empire: The East India Company


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Dan Snow

      Dan Snow travels through India in the footsteps of the company that revolutionised the British lifestyle and laid the foundations of today's global trading systems.

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