
  • Flip Flops

    类型:爱情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 短片电影

    导演:王昊鹭   编剧:王昊鹭



  • 漫画 Caricaturana, un flip-book


    导演:拉杜·裘德 Radu Jude   编剧:拉杜·裘德, 谢尔盖·爱森斯坦

    主演:Ilinca Manolache, 谢尔班·帕夫卢, 拉杜·裘德

      Based on an idea by Eisenstein, who dreamt of composing the 101 poses of Robert Macaire - a popular French character epitomizing the unscrupulous swindler - as represented in the 101 lithographs of the series Caricaturana by Honoré Daumier. First, a montage of the gestures as Eisenstein envisaged. Then, original texts are added to the caricatures. And finally, we took the liber...

  • 佛利普的逃亡 Flip


    导演:杰西卡·格雷斯·史密斯   编剧:杰西卡·格雷斯·史密斯


      Some fifty years in the future, a mother and daughter are held captive in a refugee compound, their lives in imminent danger.

  • 美国家装房地产真人秀 第一季 Flip This House Season 1


    导演:Richard C. Davis   编剧:Richard C. Davis, Charles Nordlander

    主演:Ginger Alexander ... Investment Coordinator

  • 掷硬币决定:ONE OK ROCK 线上演唱会实录 Flip a Coin -ONE OK ROCK Documentary-

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:森内贵宽, 山下亨, 小滨良太, 神吉智也

      本音乐纪录片聚焦 ONE OK ROCK 的乐团成员,收录近距离访问、气势恢弘的现场採排,以及演唱会精彩片段。
      《掷硬币决定:ONE OK ROCK 线上演唱会实录》将于 10 月 21 日首播,Netflix 独家

  • 后空翻 Backflip

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Nikita Diakur   编剧:Nikita Diakur


      Attempting a backflip is not exactly safe. You can break your neck, or land on your head, or land badly on your wrists. So, I let my avatar learn the trick. He practices on a 6-core processor with the help of Machine Learning.

  • 滑板少年 Hardflip

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:Johnny Remo   编剧:Johnny Remo, Daniel Backman

    主演:兰迪·韦恩, 约翰·施奈德, 罗姗娜·阿奎特

  • 二手阅读 Second-hand Reading

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:威廉·肯特里奇   编剧:


      A flipbook / stop-motion animation film composed of hundreds of drawings by artist William Kentridge superimposed on pages of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and other lexicons and encyclopedias.

  • 蝙蝠侠大战双面人 Batman Vs. Two-Face


    导演:里克·莫拉莱斯   编剧:迈克尔·杰勒尼克, 詹姆斯·塔克

    主演:波特·瓦德, 亚当·威斯特, 威廉·夏特纳, 朱莉·纽玛, 琳恩·玛丽·斯图尔特, 托马斯·列农, 吉姆·瓦德, 斯蒂文·韦伯

      Former Gotham City District Attorney Harvey Dent, one side of his face scarred by acid, goes on a crime spree based on the number '2'. All of his actions are decided by the flip of a defaced, two-headed silver dollar.

  • 男人的世界 Man's world


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Gaurav Pandey, Gurpreet Saini

      What if women treated men, the way men treat women? Kiran believes the world is really unfair to men. Fed up, he prays for the world to flip and for men and women to interchange places. As they say, be careful what you wish for...