
  • 永远属于你 Eternally Yours

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Tay Garnett   编剧:吉恩·汤, C·格雷厄姆·贝克

    主演:Loretta Young, David Niven, Billie Burke

      Anita, engaged to solid Don Barnes, is swept off her feet by magician Arturo. Before you can say presto, she's his wife and stage assistant on a world tour that seems never to end. Anita is mildly annoyed by Arturo's constant flirtations, but his death-defying stunts give her nightmares. As for her plan to retire in a farmhouse, forget it. Finally, she's had enough and disappea...

  • 迷雾中向往爱 Eternally Confused and Eager for Love

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:法尔汉·阿赫塔尔, 卓娅·阿赫塔尔, 里马·卡蒂, Ritesh Sidhwani   编剧:

    主演:吉姆·萨伯, 苏奇拉·皮莱-马利克, Ankur Rathee, 拉胡尔·玻色, Vihaan Samat


  • 滴 Drop


    导演:Bruno Bozzetto   编剧:布鲁诺·伯茨多


      Man appears to be eternally bound to fix things that sooner or later will somehow get broken again.
      What if one day, by this same law, the Universe too began falling apart?