
  • ITZY: DALLA DALLA 있지: 달라달라

    类型:短片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:黄礼志, 崔智寿, 申留真, 李彩领, 申有娜

  • 火舌鬣鳞蜥 L'iguana dalla lingua di fuoco

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:里卡尔多·弗里达   编剧:里卡尔多·弗里达, 桑德罗·孔蒂嫩扎

    主演:Luigi Pistilli, 妲歌玛·拉丝珊德, Anton Diffring

      Set in Dublin (a rather surprising giallo setting), Iguana opens audaciously with an acid-throwing, razor-wielding maniac brutally slaying a woman in her own home. The victim's mangled corpse is discovered in a limousine owned by Swiss Ambassador Sobiesky (Anton Diffring, Where Eagles Dare) and a police investigation is launched, but when the murdering continues and the ambassa...

  • 鬼妻墓中来 La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Emilio Miraglia   编剧:Fabio Pittorru, Massimo Felisatti, Emilio Miraglia

    主演:Erika Blanc, Maria Teresa Tofano

      阿兰(Antonio De Teffè 饰)是一位非常有钱的爵士,深爱自己的妻子艾芙琳,然而,艾芙琳却选择了背叛她。最终,艾芙琳死了,但她的鬼魂似乎被困在了古堡之中,夜夜陪伴着阿兰,这令阿兰感到非常的痛苦,他的精神开始濒临崩溃的边缘。
      阿兰将对妻子的仇恨转移到了其他女子的身上,他专门挑选样貌和他的妻子相似的红发女子,将她们哄骗到古堡中,再施以毒手。这一天,阿兰邂逅了名为格拉迪亚斯(玛丽娜·马尔法迪 Marina Malfatti 饰)的美丽女子,这一次和以往不同,阿兰是真的爱上了格拉迪亚斯,他娶她为妻,将她迎进古堡之中,但很显然,格拉迪亚斯的存在让艾芙琳非常非常非常的不高兴。

  • 裸露残酷写真 Ultime grida dalla savana

    类型:恐怖片电影, 纪录片电影

    导演:Antonio Climati, Mario Morra   编剧:Antonio Climati, Mario Morra


      Here's a National Geographic style documentary that's alternately exploitive and informative. The film presents a wide variety of ways that humans interact with nature. It depicts the actual footage of a careless man (Pit Dernitz) leaving the safety of his car to film lions close up and ends up being their dinner. Other highlights include natives humping the ground in hopes of ...

  • 背负十字架的人 L' Uomo dalla croce


    导演:罗伯托·罗西里尼   编剧:Asvero Gravelli, Alberto Consiglio, Giovanni D'Alicandro, 罗伯托·罗西里尼

    主演:Marcello Tanzi, Alberto Tavazzi, Roswita Schmidt, 阿蒂利奥·罗戴德约, Doris Hild, Zoia Weneda, Antonio Marietti, Piero Pastore, Aldo Capacci, Franco Castellani, Gualtiero Isnenghi, Antonio Suriano

      An extremely rare film by Roberto Rossellini, his third feature, made under the Fascist control of Italy. Basically rejected after the War because of the Fascist content of the film, "Rossellini produces a work which focuses upon the Italian expeditionary forces on the Eastern Front and upon a Catholic chaplain representative of Italy's religious majority…the principal characte...

  • 来自中国的明信片 Cartoline dalla Cina

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇   编剧:贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇


  • 从云端到反抗 Dalla nube alla resistenza


    导演:达尼埃尔·于伊耶, 让-马里·斯特劳布   编剧:达尼埃尔·于伊耶

    主演:奥林匹娅·卡尔立斯, Guido Lombardi, Gino Felici

      Two segments. The first one arranges six stories from Cesare Pavese's "Dialoghi con Leucò", taken from classical mythology. The second segment is taken from Pavese's novel "La luna e i falò": after WWII the emigrant 'The Bastard' comes back to his village in the Langhe (northern Italy) to find that everyone he knew has died and the war has deeply changed relationships between p...

  • 噪音交响曲 A Symphony of Noise


    导演:恩里克·桑切斯·兰奇   编剧:

    主演:Matthew Herbert

      Un ritratto del rivoluzionario compositore Matthew Herbert, noto per le sue opere che combinano suoni provenienti dalla vita reale e tematiche politiche.

  • 我和她 Io e Lei

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:玛丽亚·索雷·托尼亚齐   编剧:伊万·科特罗尼奥, 弗朗西斯卡·马西亚诺, 玛丽亚·索雷·托尼亚齐

    主演:Fausto Maria Sciarappa, 玛格丽塔·布伊, 萨布丽娜·费里利

      Io e lei è un film del 2015 diretto da Maria Sole Tognazzi e scritto dalla regista insieme a Ivan Cotroneo e Francesca Marciano, con protagoniste Margherita Buy e Sabrina Ferilli, per la prima volta insieme sullo schermo.

  • 白船 La nave bianca

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:罗伯托·罗西里尼   编剧:弗朗西斯科·德·罗贝蒂斯, 罗伯托·罗西里尼

    主演:Augusto Basso, Elena Fondi

      此片由意大利海军出资,是罗西里尼“法西斯三部曲”的第一部,其他两部是《飞行员回归》(Un pilota ritorna,1942)和《带十字架的男子》(L'uomo dalla croce,1943)。影片讲述二战期间,一支意大利舰队驶离塔兰托港,在海上与盟军发生战斗,交火中被击中的意军战舰伤员,被转送到医院船“阿诺”号上进行救治