
  • 燃烧的甘蔗 Burning Cane


    导演:菲利普·尤曼斯   编剧:菲利普·尤曼斯

    主演:维德尔·皮尔斯, Emyri Crutchfield, Karen Kaia Livers, 埃里卡·伍兹, Dominique McClellan

      The Glory is a film about a young man who seeks asylum in his rural hometown after committing a violent crime in the city.

  • 女人的烦恼 Female Trouble

    类型:喜剧片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:约翰·沃特斯   编剧:约翰·沃特斯

    主演:苏珊·洛, George Hulse, 玛吉·斯基德莫尔, Berenica Cipcus, 钱宁·威尔罗伊, Christine Mason, 帕特·莫兰, 迪韦恩, 大卫·劳克里, 玛丽·薇薇安·皮尔斯, 敏科·斯荳, 伊迪丝·梅西, 库基·米勒, 苏珊·沃尔什, Michael Potter, Ed Peranio, 保罗·斯威夫特, George Figgs

      A spoiled schoolgirl runs away from home, gets pregnant while hitchhiking, and ends up as a fashion model for a pair of beauticians who like to photograph women committing crimes.

  • 我们这个时代的女人 Une femme de notre temps


    导演:让-保罗·希维拉克   编剧:让-保罗·希维拉克

    主演:苏菲·玛索, 约翰·海尔登贝格

      Juliane, a police commissioner in Paris, is a woman with great moral integrity. But when she discovers her husband’s double life, she starts committing acts she never would have thought herself capable of…

  • 复仇遗言 Johnny Frank Garrett's Last Word


    导演:西蒙·鲁梅莱   编剧:本·科泰, 托尼·基格里奥

    主演:肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里, 艾琳·库明斯, 麦克·道尔, 迈克·加萨威, 霍尔特·鲍格斯, 比尔·斯汀奇康布, 奇普·乔斯林, 凯西·希亚·沃特森, 乔恩·迈克尔·戴维斯, Julia Lashae

      When a young man is executed for committing murder, he leaves behind a curse letter, promising vengeance for all those connected to his unfair trial.

  • 罪人回忆录 Osobisty pamietnik grzesznika przez niego samego spisany


    导演:沃伊切赫·哈斯   编剧:詹姆斯·霍格, 迈克尔·科曼

    主演:匹奥特·班扬, 厄维拉·罗曼祖克

      The 18th century tale of a youngster whose memories, recounted after death, are a long series of wrong moral choices ending up with his killing his evil alter-ego, that is committing suicide.

  • 代号8 Code 8

    类型:科幻片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Jeff Chan   编剧:Jeff Chan, Chris Pare

    主演:斯蒂芬·阿梅尔, 罗比·阿梅尔, 姜成镐, 查德·多纳拉, 阿隆·艾布拉姆斯, 西蒙·诺斯伍德

      A desperate young man possessing special powers clashes with a militarized police force after committing a petty crime.

  • 可耻的欲望 Aline or Frustrations


    导演:Bruno Garcia (Bruno Costes)   编剧:Céline Guyot, Martin Guyot

    主演:Maeva, Alexandre Hai, Léna Castel

      A young man would like to know several women before committing to his girlfriend. She organizes for him some love's rendez-vous.

  • 死亡博士的复仇 Madhouse

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Jim Clark   编剧:

    主演:文森特·普莱斯, 彼得·库欣

      A horror movie star returns to his famous role after years in a mental institution. But the character seems to be committing murders independent of his will.

  • 喜剧杀手 Hasmukh


    导演:Nikhil Gonsalves   编剧:Nikkhil Advani, 维尔·达斯, Nikhil Gonsalves, 尼拉基·潘迪, Suparn Verma

    主演:Joanna Robaczewska, 维尔·达斯, 兰维尔·肖里, Suhail Nayyar, 尼拉基·潘迪, Inaamulhaq, Deeksha Sonalkar, 拉维·基尚, 拉维·基尚 Ravi Kishan, 拉萨·默拉德, 拉萨·默拉德 Raza Murad, Manoj Pahwa

      A timid, small-town comedian's long-awaited big break takes a dark turn when he realizes committing murder is the only way to keep his onstage mojo.一个腼腆的小镇喜剧演员期待已久的大好机会发生阴暗转折,于是他认为谋杀是永葆舞台魅力的唯一方法

  • 保留地之犬 第三季 Reservation Dogs Season 3

    类型:喜剧片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:德芙丽·雅各布斯, 宝莲娜·亚历克西斯

      The protagonist of the story is four Indian teenagers in a small town, who tell the story of fighting crime while committing it.