
  • 英伦建筑史 How We Built Britain

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Nicky Illis, David Thompson, Nigel Walk, Jonty Claypole   编剧:大卫·丁布尔比


      How We Built Britain was a series of six television documentaries produced by the BBC in 2007 and repeated

  • 窄地建造 Built on Narrow Land

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Malachi Connolly   编剧:BaraK.Jichowa

    主演:Ruth Hatch, Helen Purcell, Peter McMahon

      Built on Narrow Land is a film that looks at a moment in Cape Cod when the spirit of European modern

  • 此房是我造 The House That Jack Built

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:拉斯·冯·提尔   编剧:拉斯·冯·提尔, 杰勒·哈伦德

    主演:马特·狄龙, 布鲁诺·冈茨, 乌玛·瑟曼, 希博汗·法隆, 苏菲·格拉宝, 丽莉·吉欧, 杰瑞米·戴维斯, 爱德华·斯皮伊尔斯, 大卫·拜利, 刘智泰

      林间公路,面无表情的杰克(马特·狄龙 Matt Dillon 饰)搭载了一名汽车抛锚的女子。女子自作聪明,聒噪无比,最终被杰克用千斤顶砸死。这起事件仿佛为杰克打开了一扇地狱之门,从此他走上了充满血液和寒冰的魔鬼之路。他对美有着偏执极端的追求,他从物质到精神都有着高度洁癖,他亲手为自己设计完美的房屋,却往往因为不满意而彻底拆掉。在此期间,杀戮让杰克体会到莫大的快感。他自诩为“精致先生”,将女性锁定为所猎杀的目标。他的胆子越来越大,不仅将谋杀现场的照片寄给报社,更游戏般地周旋徘徊在警方和受害者面前。

  • 十月建造的房屋 The Houses October Built


    导演:Bobby Roe   编剧:Zack Andrews, Bobby Roe, 杰森·扎达

    主演:Brandy Schaefer, Bobby Roe, Zack Andrews

      Beneath the fake blood and cheap masks of countless haunted house attractions across the country, there are whispers of truly terrifying alternatives. Looking to find an authentic, blood-curdling good fright for Halloween, five friends set off on a road trip in an RV to track down these underground Haunts. Just when their search seems to reach a dead end, strange and disturbing...

  • 十月建造的房屋2 The Houses October Built 2


    导演:Bobby Roe   编剧:Zack Andrews, Bobby Roe

    主演:Brandy Schaefer, Zack Andrews, Mikey Roe

      Five haunted-house enthusiast friends are still trying to recover from the trauma of being kidnapped the previous Halloween by the Blue Skeleton — a group who takes “extreme haunt” to another level. They decide to face their fears in order to move on and go back out on the road to find more haunted houses. However, ominous signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again…

  • 塑造英国历史的船 The Boats That Built Britain


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Tom Cunliffe

      Britain, is an island. Surrounded by a cold and unforgiving sea. For centuries it protected us from attack. But to prosper and thrive, we would need to do more than hide behind her salt water shield. Britain needed brave men, willing to venture out into the unknown and she needed good boats to take them there. I've spent my life at sea. Now I'm going to take passage on six boat...

  • 桥梁建造的伦敦 The bridges that built london


    导演:大卫·威尔森   编剧:

    主演:Dan Cruickshank

      Dan Cruickshank explores the mysteries and secrets of the bridges that have made London what it is. He uncovers stories of bronze-age relics emerging from the Vauxhall shore, of why London Bridge was falling down, of midnight corpses splashing beneath Waterloo Bridge, and above all, of the sublime ambition of London's bridge builders themselves.

  • 美国商业大亨传奇 The Men Who Built America

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:   编剧:威廉·麦金莱, 罗纳德·佩雷尔曼, 西奥多·罗斯福, 亨利·福特, 唐纳德·特朗普, 亚伯拉罕·林肯, 约翰·戴维森·洛克菲勒, 安德鲁·卡耐基, 杰克·韦尔奇, 科尼利尔斯·范德比尔特, 彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基, 托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生, 杰瑞·温特劳布, 尼古拉·特斯拉, 威廉·詹宁斯·布赖恩

    主演:Campbell Scott, Eric Rolland, Tim Getman

      History Channel巨制,CCTV引进版改名为《美国商业大亨传奇》。

  • 造就美国的食物 第一季 The Food That Built America Season 1

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Nick White   编剧:布赖恩·伯斯坦, Yoshi Stone

    主演:Morgan Bradley, Matthew Crawley, Scott Rapp

      《造就美国的食物》将会讲述食品行业大亨米尔顿·赫尔希 (Milton Hershey)、约翰·凯洛格 (John Kellogg) 和威尔·凯洛格 (Will Kellogg)、亨利·海因茨 (Henry Heinz)、C.W. Post、麦当劳兄弟 (McDonald brothe rs) 等背后不为人知的创新和竞争故事。

  • 美国商业大亨传奇:拓荒者 The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:约翰·耶勒, Johnny Saint-Ours   编剧:布赖恩·伯斯坦, 耶利米·墨菲, 约旦·罗森布拉姆

    主演:安德鲁·罗伯特, Robert I. Mesa, 科恩·霍洛维, 大卫·H·史蒂文斯, Jeff Sandor, 杰德·布罗菲, 本·弗兰舍姆


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