
  • 三块广告牌 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:马丁·麦克唐纳   编剧:马丁·麦克唐纳

    主演:萨玛拉·维文, 克拉克·彼得斯, 尼克·瑟西, 阿曼达·沃伦, 玛拉雅·瑞沃拉·德鲁, 布兰登·萨克斯顿, 迈克尔·艾伦·米利甘, 弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德, 伍迪·哈里森, 山姆·洛克威尔, 艾比·考尼什, 卢卡斯·赫奇斯, 彼特·丁拉基, 约翰·浩克斯, 卡赖伯·兰德里·琼斯, 凯瑟琳·纽顿, 凯瑞·康顿, 泽利科·伊万内克

      米尔德雷德(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances McDormand 饰)的女儿在外出时惨遭奸杀,米尔德雷德和丈夫查理(约翰·哈克斯 John Hawkes 饰)之间的婚姻因此走到了尽头,如今,她同儿子罗比(卢卡斯·赫奇斯 Lucas Hedges饰)过着相依为命的生活。一晃眼几个月过去了,案件仍然没有告破预兆,而警方似乎早已经将注意力从案子上转移了开来。
      被绝望和痛苦缠绕的米尔德雷德租下了高速公路边上的三块巨型广告牌,在上面控诉警方办案无能,并将矛头直接对准了警察局局长威洛比(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰)。实际上,威洛比一直隐瞒着自己身患绝症命不久矣的事实。因为这三块广告牌,米尔德雷德和威洛比的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。

  • 性广告 Sex by Advertisement


    导演:Joel M. Reed   编剧:Joel M. Reed

    主演:Geri Miller, Joel M. Reed, 乔治娜·斯派温, 詹妮弗·威尔斯, Cherie Winters

      Georgina Spelvin serves as host and guide to this exploration of the sexual netherworld, which can be accessed through discreet ads placed in "underground" newspapers and on public bulletin boards.

  • 僵尸狂咬之夜 Wither


    导演:Sonny Laguna, Tommy Wiklund   编剧:


      Ida and Albin are a happy couple. They set off to a cabin in the vast Swedish woodlands to have a fun holiday with their friends. But under the floorboards waits an evil from Sweden's dark past.

  • 茱丽叶 Juliette

    类型:短片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:赫苏斯·佛朗哥   编剧:赫苏斯·佛朗哥

    主演:索莱达德·米兰达, 阿尔维托·达尔维斯, 赫苏斯·佛朗哥

      A woman is seducing men only to kill them, and afterwards confessing about her crimes at church. A man, witnessing her visits to the church, feels attracted to her and boards an appartment near hers and begins to watch her secretly.

  • 探访《蜘蛛侠3》剪辑室 Inside the Editing Room of 'Spiderman 3'

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Jody Fedele, 鲍勃·穆拉夫斯基, 山姆·雷米

      This making-of documentary give us notes from Raimi, Murawski and visual effects editor Jody Fedele as they tells us about how storyboards and animatics affect the editing process and other editing issues.

  • 孙神探与黑寡妇的诅咒 Inspector Sun y la maldición de la viuda negra


    导演:胡里奥·索托·古尔皮德   编剧:Rocco Pucillo

    主演:Juan Rueda, 伊恩·巴切洛, 钱信伊, Jesús Barreda, Andrea Villaverde, Catherina Martínez, Txema Moscoso, Fernando Cabrera, Pedro Tena, Ana Jiménez, 维森特·希尔, Isabel Donate, Julian Rodriguez, Fernando Serna

      Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a murder on his flight draws him into a plot that threatens both the human and bug worlds.

  • 新死亡列车 Terror Train


    导演:Philippe Gagnon   编剧:Ian Carpenter, Aaron Martin

    主演:Romy Weltman, Noah Parker, Mark Hrynioch, Max Laferriere, Robyn Alomar, 玛丽·沃尔什, Nadine Bhabha, 马蒂亚斯·卢卡斯, 科顿·摩尔, 艾玛·艾丽·帕特森, Tori Barban, Dakota Jamal Wellman, 蒂姆·罗尊, 亚历克斯·布劳恩斯坦, Kenny Wong

      It follows a college student as she boards a party train for Halloween, and ends up fighting for her life when a mysterious assailant begins killing the people one-by-one.