
  • 隔离过除夕 Yilbasi Gecesi


    导演:奥赞·阿西克坦   编剧:古尔丝·伯赛儿

    主演:法提赫·阿特曼, Emir Benderlioglu, 古尔丝·伯赛儿


  • 浪荡少年时 I basilischi


    导演:里娜·韦特缪勒   编剧:里娜·韦特缪勒

    主演:Antonio Petruzzi, 斯特凡诺·萨塔·弗洛雷斯, Sergio Ferranino, Luigi Barbieri, 弗洛拉·卡拉贝拉, Mimma Quirico, Enzo Di Vecchia, Rosetta Palumbo, Rosanna Santoro, Manlio Blois, Marisa Omodei


  • 美院 刺柏风景 Школа изящных исскуств. Пейзаж с можжевельником

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:瓦莱里·乌加罗夫, 安德烈·赫尔扎诺夫斯基   编剧:安德烈·赫尔扎诺夫斯基

    主演:阿拉·基米多娃, 谢尔盖·尤尔斯基

      The original, poetic film-product telling about known Estonian artist Julo Sooster. The film is removed on the basis of graphic works and drawings of the artist.

  • 演员工作室:柯林·菲尔斯 Inside the actors studio Colin Firth


    导演:Jeff Wurtz   编剧:

    主演:詹姆斯·里普顿, 柯林·菲尔斯 Colin Firth

      The Oscar-nominateed Colin Firth discusses how all actors are basically drag queens, and his proclivity for wearing dresses.

  • 走出荒野:委内瑞拉求生实验 第一季 Out of the Wild: Venezuela Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      Nine Americans work together with only a small cache of basic supplies to traverse sixty miles of Venezuela's vast

  • 全力以赴:为民主而战 All In: The Fight for Democracy


    导演:Lisa Cortes, 莉兹·加伯斯   编剧:杰克·扬格尔森

    主演:Jayla Allen, Sean J. Young, Bert Rein, Desmond Meade, Stacey Abrams, 安德鲁·杨, 埃里克·方纳, 露西·拜恩斯·约翰逊, Lauren Groh-Wargo, Debo Adegbile, Michael Parsons, Frances Fox Piven, Marcia Fudge, Michael Waldman, Carol Anderson

      The documentary takes a look at the history, and current activism against voter suppression; barriers to voting that most people don't even know is a threat to their basic rights as citizens of the United States.

  • 凯特琳与公司 Catherine et Cie


    导演:米歇尔·博斯荣德   编剧:凯瑟琳·布雷亚, Léo L. Fuchs

    主演:简·伯金, 帕特里克·迪瓦尔, 让-皮埃尔·奥蒙特

      Catherine, a young prostitute living in Paris, decides to incorporate herself after learning the basics of big business from her clients. She encounters both interest and setbacks in her search for investors.

  • 网络战争 War for the Web


    导演:J.C. Cameron Brueckner   编剧:Michael Wooldridge

    主演:Aaron Swartz, Vint Cerf

      War for the Web demystifies the physical infrastructure of the Internet and uses that as a basis to explore the issues of ownership and competition in the broadband marketplace, privacy, and security.(IMDb)

  • 格雷格·沃伦:饲料玉米地 Greg Warren: Where the Field Corn Grows


    导演:艾里克·艾布拉姆   编剧:格雷格·沃伦


      Greg Warren is smart enough to understand what he doesn't know, and it's in his common-sense attempt to understand basic agriculture, home repair, or finances that he harvests the ridiculous and absurd.

  • 根本恶 Das radikal Böse


    导演:斯戴芬·卢佐维茨基   编剧:斯戴芬·卢佐维茨基


      Why do ordinary men murder women, children and babies on a daily basis? The Nazi death squads killed about 2 million Jewish civilians by bullets. We hear their thoughts written in letters and diaries, hear what they said at court.

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